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Youth movements contribute to train, educate children and youths

Update: 01-02-2012 | 00:00:00

In 2011, Dat Cuoc commune’s youth movements saw positive changes, absorbing the involvement of the crowds of youths.

 The quality of political and thought education for children and youth in Dat Cuoc commune last year was improved. The commune’s Youth Union continued promoting the campaign of “Tan Uyen’s youths study and follow Uncle Ho” among youth. Voluntary movements for socio-economic development, national defence also saw in-depth development… 

Awarding the certificates of merit to Youth Union members for their excellent performance in 2011

 Noticeably, Dat Cuoc commune’s Youth Union organized many voluntary activities for the sake of the community, luring the participation of more than 1,000 youths. The local youths got involved in making environmental hygiene, donating 24 units of blood, visiting and offering help to privileged families…

 The movements of the commune’s Ho Chi Minh Young Pioneer Organization were also implemented effectively, greatly contributing to training and educating children, youths. Especially, the “For children” program held a series of significant activities, including maintaining bookcases at hamlets, implementing the “spring tree” program…

 With achievements done last year, two collectives and five individuals were awarded the certificates of merit by the Youth Union Central Committee and the provincial Youth Union for their excellent performance in the youth and children movements in 2011.

 In 2012, Dat Cuoc commune will further promote youth and children movements focus on bringing benefits to youths and children, making favorable conditions for youths to grow up and making contributions to the society…

Reported by Binh Minh-Translated by K.T

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