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Youth of provincial agencies and businesses bloc volunteer on all fronts

Update: 29-12-2023 | 11:56:34

Early December 28, the Executive Board of provincial Agencies and Enterprises Bloc’s 2nd Youth Union held its 8th open conference, with focus on reviewing the project of uniting, gathering young workers in 2023.

In 2023, the activities and movements of the Youth Union and Associations in the bloc closely followed the Resolution of the 7th congress of the bloc’s Party Committee, the orientations and directions of the Standing Committees of the bloc’s Party Committee, provincial Youth Union. Many movements and activities were specific, practical, effective, consistent with the activities of the Youth Union, agencies, units and businesses, promoting the role of Youth Union members and youth volunteers on all fronts. The works of "For the development of the entire Youth Union", "Learning corner for children", "Computer for children", "For local friends", "Zero-dong booth”... spread good values ​​and beautiful images of the Youth Union among Youth Union members, youth and society...

At the conference, the bloc’s Youth Union launched the peak emulation of "Youth of provincial Agencies and Businesses Bloc are dynamic, creative, dare think and know how to do, contributing to successfully implementing the local tasks on socio-economic development for 2024".

On this occasion, many groups and individuals were given emulation flags and commendations from provincial Youth Union and Agencies and Businesses Bloc’s Youth Union.

Reported by Ngoc Nhu-Translated by Kim Tin

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