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Youth union members strive to become party members

Update: 16-09-2023 | 10:38:25

In the 2022-2027 tenure, all levels of Youth Union strengthen the implementation of the campaign "Union members strive to become members of the Communist Party of Vietnam". The work of fostering and introducing outstanding union members for the Party admission is both an honor and an important task of Youth Union to supplement new human resources for the Party.

Tan Hung Commune Youth Union (Bau Bang district) present letters of congratulation to two outstanding union members admitted to the Party.

Recently, all levels of the Youth Union have focused on implementing resolution of Provincial Youth Union Congress; including solutions to improve the quality and quantity of candidates introduced to the Party; replicate effective models in elite union member training to introduce them to the Party for admission. Accordingly, the grassroots Youth Union promotes education, planning, and creating an environment for young people to train to become good union members.

To implement the resolution, Hoi Nghia ward Youth Union (Tan Uyen City) and its branches have enhanced the work of fostering and introducing elite candidates to develop the Party mebership. Namely, Nguyen Thuy Diem Phuc (quarter 3) has constantly strived and done ethics training, successfully completed her professional tasks for many years, actively participated in movement activities of the Youth Union branch. In early September, Diem Phuc was admitted to the Party by the neighborhood’s Party cell.

Similarly, Le Xuan Vu, a union member of Dong A neighborhood, Dong Hoa ward (Di An city) has been very actively participating and making many contributions to union activities in his ward and neighborhood.  The development of the ward's Youth Union movement has helped Vu promote his pioneer spirit, enthusiastically participate in volunteer activities and children's movements. As an exemplary union member, Vu always well complies with the Party's guidelines and policies, and the State's laws. In 2023, Vu joined the summer youth volunteer squad and was an active member in the Youth Union's summer campaigns. Vu were trained in the youth movements and successfully completed the role of an officer of the Solidarity Project gathering young workers, thus in this year's summer volunteer campaign he was honored to stand in the Party ranks.

Dang Van Son and Nguyen Thi Thu Thanh, members of Youth Union Branch of Hamlet 3 in Tan Hung Commune (Bau Bang District), have been trained and worked assiduously, taken part in local activities enthusiastically, and grown up from youth union movements. These two union members are always aware of responsibility towards their work and are proactive and creative in union activities. After a period of training and testing, these two candidates have been admitted to the Party.

In a solemn atmosphere, Son said: “Standing in the Party's ranks is an important turning point in my life, a great honor. Through the process of training and striving, I feel very happy to be recognized by the Party Committee. With my new role, I am aware of my responsibility for constantly improve my capacity and be an example in all tasks."

After the party membership admission ceremony, these elite union members continue to develop their moral qualities and revolutionary ideals; always be pioneer and creative in Party activities and youth movements; and together with the Youth Union organization, build an environment for union members to train themselves and become members of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

During the 2022-2027 term, the Youth Union in the province strives to have 13,500 elite union members introduced to the Party for consideration and admission every year.

Reported by K.Tuyen - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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