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Youth work “Rong thong Suoi Cai” – An outstanding environmental award

Update: 14-11-2013 | 00:00:00
After 12 years of implementation, youth work “Rong thong Suoi Cai” (Unblocking Cai stream) developed on a total length of 25km from Hoa Loi T-junction in Ben Cat district to Tong Ban bridge, Ba Kien bridge in Thanh Phuoc commune, Tan Uyen district was engraved in people’s hearts, which is a meaningful environmental award to the society…  Young Union’s members of Tan Uyen district carried out RTSC work to protect their home river.Youth’s responsibilitiesTan Uyen district Youth Union realized usefulness of Cai stream after being environmentally repaired. According to young people, Cai stream is the main water supply of local irrigation with total field area of 120ha. There were many trees and bushes overgrowing and falling into the stream in many years, causing obstruction against the flow. Additionally, in rainy seasons, upstream water with high flow meet obstruction, bringing about flood affecting local crops; thus farmers were afraid of investing in agricultural production.Perceiving their responsibility as a voluntary force, in 2001, Tan Uyen district Youth Union registered a youth work named “Rong thong Suoi Cai” (RTSC). According to district Youth Union Secretary Nguyen Thi Ngoc Xuan, the project was to ensure a clear flow, enough water for irrigation in dry seasons, and not to be flooded and waterlogged in rainy seasons. Total length of the work is 25km, originated from Hoa Loi T-junction of Ben Cat district to Tong Ban bridge, Ba Kien bridge of Thanh Phuoc commune, Tan Uyen district (went through 8 communes, towns: Vinh Tan – Phu Chanh – Tan Vinh Hiep – Tan Hiep – Khanh Binh – Tan Phuoc Khanh – Thai Hoa – Thanh Phuoc). 15,000 working days of people and young ones were mobilized in 12 years with total cost of over VND320.594mln paid for food support for direct workers.Bringing effectivenessYouth work RTSC was selected to implement by Tan Uyen district Youth Union Congress term 8th, tenure 2002-2007. The work was carried out annually by young people of district Youth Union in March – Youth’s Month. It can be said that RTSC work has contributed largely to socioeconomic development of Tan Uyen district and the whole province.Ms. Xuan believed, RTSC satisfies water supply in dry seasons, prevents flood in rainy seasons. The project has assisted in local agricultural production satisfying significantly the district’s demands, guaranteed local farmers stable incomes, and contributed to accomplishing target of agricultural economic development. Thereby, the role of Youth Union in the district has been also promoted.The youth work RTSC has had incredibly pervasive influences, was a noteworthy activity in movements of young volunteers. The effectiveness of the project has contributed to local socioeconomic development, improved quality of Youth Union’s activities through educate young people on willingness to help other people, and environmental protection for the sustainable development. The work has just received honorably environmental awards.Reported by K.Ha – Translated by Ngoc Huynh
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