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Lao Champasack province’s high-ranking delegation to visit and work in Binh Duong province

Update: 14-09-2015 | 11:10:24

On September 12th, Mr. Mai The Trung, Member of Party Central Committee, Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Head of provincial NA’s delegation, received the high-ranking delegation of Champasack province - Lao People’s Democratic Republic led by Mr. Bounthong Divixay, Secretary, Governor of Champasack province, visiting and working in Binh Duong province.

Mr. Mai The Trung  (right), Member of Party Central Committee, Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Head of provincial NA’s delegation, welcomed Mr. Bounthong Divixay, Secretary, Governor of Champasack province.

Expressing the pleasure of welcoming Champasack senior representatives visiting and working in Binh Duong province, Mr. Mai The Trung affirmed, Binh Duong and Champasack province, the two Parties, people of the two countries have continued to make good progress in the traditional relationship. Mr. Mai The Trung also thanked Champasack government and leaders for supporting Vietnamese enterprises including Binh Duong enterprises in doing business in Champasack province.

Mr. Mai The Trung congratulated Mr. Bounthong Divixay on being elected as Secretary cum Governor of Champasack province, and hoped that Mr. Bounthong Divixay would continue to make important contributions to the relationship development between the two provinces as well as two countries.

On behalf of the delegation, Mr. Bounthong Divixay expressed his pleasure in visiting Binh Duong province, and thanked Binh Duong leadership for welcoming the delegation. Mr. Bounthong Divixay expressed the gratitude for supports of Binh Duong province in the friendly cooperation between the two provinces. On this occasion, Mr. Bounthong Divixay extended good wishes to all Binh Duong Party, government and people, wished that the friendly cooperative relation between the two provinces of Champasack - Binh Duong as well as Laos – Vietnam would continue to grow and “Forever green, forever sustainable”.

Afterwards, Mr. Tran Van Nam, Deputy Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Chairman of provincial People’s Committee, and heads of departments, sectors welcomed and worked with Champasack province’s high-ranking delegation led by Mr. Bounthong Divixay, Secretary, Governor of Champasack province.

Mr. Tran Van Nam informed the delegation of some features of Binh Duong province and provincial socio-economic condition in the first 8 months 2015. According to Mr. Nam, Binh Duong is now one province having high economic development pace of the country with 28 industrial parks and 8 industrial clusters with a total area of ​​10,000 hectares including 65% filled area. During the first 8 months of 2015, the province absorbed $1.435 billion of FDI. Up to now, the province has 2,505 FDI enterprises with total capital of $ 21.6 billion. Besides, material life and spirit of the people have been improved; welfare, political security, social order and safety have been secured.

Mr. Bounthong Divixay thanked for the warm welcome of provincial leaders, informed of socio-economic condition of Champasack province. According to Mr. Bounthong Divixay, Champasack was recognized as economic developing center of Lao southern provinces, has economic structure of agriculture, service, industry that is equal to 43% - 38% - 19%. Political security has been secured, people's live has been improved. The province is focusing on attracting foreign investments in agriculture, electricity and tourism. Mr. Bounthong Divixay hoped that Binh Duong province would convey experiences in building industrial parks and FDI attraction.

Regarding the development of friendly cooperative relation between the two provinces in the 2011-2015, both sides approved the report of Binh Duong province Department of Foreign Affairs. Cooperation, investments, economic relations between the two provinces have been implemented in accordance with the signed Vietnam – Laos cooperative program. Especially, the project planting 10,000 hectares of industrial trees of Vietnam – Laos Dau Tieng Rubber Joint Stock Company has received supports from Champasack province’s leadership as well as local people. Cooperative and exchange activities between the two provinces have also received attention and support from the Party and government.

The two sides also agreed on cooperation directions in the 2016-2020 including exchanging of visits to strengthen friendship, solidarity and cooperation between two localities. Detailed plans of cooperative agreement were devised by related agencies, sectors then submitted to leaders of the two provinces for signing.

Reported by Tri Dung – Translated by Ngoc Huynh


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