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195th provincial job transaction draws over 1,100 laborers

Update: 24-09-2018 | 11:07:11

Provincial Job Placement Center yesterday held its 195th job transaction session, absorbing 231 enterprises with the recruitment demand of more than 10,000 laborers in industries of transportation, furniture, construction, insurance, electricity, telecommunications, footwear, mechanism, food processing, real estate trading…

Laborers watching recruitment information at the job transaction session

As a result, more than 1,100 laborers directly took part in the job transaction session. Among them, 591 (428 women, 682 immigrants, 109 technicians) were interviewed by recruiters. More than 9,586 laborers visited the job transaction session via the center’s online transaction floor.

Reported by T.Vy-Translated by K.T

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