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Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh requested that State-owned enterprises (SOEs) play the pioneering role in innovation, application and mastery of science and technology in the Industry 4.0,

Representatives of the Vietnamese and French armies will soon sign a letter of trust, which covers various contents directly related to the northwestern mountainous province of Dien Bien

Evening May 5, at the Provincial Labor Cultural Center, Binh Duong Provincial Labor Confederation held a launching ceremony for the Action Month on occupational safety and hygiene and Workers' Month 2024.

On May 4, the Provincial Military Command organized a democratic dialogue meeting between the head of Provincial Military Command and officers

On May 4, Binh Duong Provincial Party Propagation and Education Committee held a meeting to celebrate the 75th anniversary

Early May 4, Nguyen Van Loi, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Head of provincial National Assembly (NA) deputy delegation

Stories from the battlefield of Dien Bien soldiers, the conclusions and assessments of experts, scientists and generals about the Dien Bien Phu victory right on the heroic land of Dien Bien have clearly shown the strategic vision

Ministries, sectors, and localities have been building documents providing detailed guidance for the implementation of the Land Law so that the law can take effect

On the morning of May 3, the Provincial Retirement Club held a meeting to celebrate the 49th anniversary of the the Southern liberation and the National Reunification Day

the resonance of a victorious fight is still there all over Muong Thanh, Hong Cum, Him Lam – the resonance of a glorious past of Dien Bien Phu – the outcry of soldiers in the wild.

On the afternoon of May 3, the Steering Committee for coordinating military units working on mass mobilization work in the province

Yesterday morning (May 3), a delegation of provincial Party Committee, led by Nguyen Van Loi, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Head of provincial National Assembly deputy delegation,

Part 2: Relive those heroic moments

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