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Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh requested that State-owned enterprises (SOEs) play the pioneering role in innovation, application and mastery of science and technology in the Industry 4.0,

On the morning of May 16, the Standing Committee of Binh Duong provincial People's Council of the 10th term (2021-2026 tenure)

On the afternoon of May 16, Choi Youngsam, Korean Ambassador to Vietnam paid a courtesy visit

Yesterday morning (May 16), provincial Youth Union Standing Committee coordinated with Le Phong Group

Vietnamese Ambassador to Argentina Ngo Minh Nguyet on May 15 presented her credentials to Argentinean President Javier Milei,

On the morning of May 15, Mai Hung Dung, Permanent Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, received Chan Sorykan, Consul General of the Kingdom of Cambodia in Ho Chi Minh City.

On the morning of May 14, Binh Duong provincial Party Committee's Standing Committee held a meeting to announce the decision of the provincial Party Committee

Yesterday morning (May 14), provincial Party Standing Committee held the 34th open session of the 11th provincial Party Executive Committee

On the morning of May 13, Mr. Mai Hung Dung, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Deputy Permanent Chairman of the provincial People's Committee

On the morning of May 13, at the Provincial Children's House, Binh Duong Provincial Youth Union Standing Committee - Provincial HYPO Council

On the afternoon of May 13, provincial National Assembly (NA) deputy delegation,

Studying and following Uncle Ho at the Vietnam - Singapore Industrial Park (VSIP)’s Party Committee has been implemented by Party committees

Responding to Vietnamese Workers' Month, in May 2024, the Vietnam - Singapore Industrial Park’s (VISP) Party Committee organized an admission ceremony for 6 party members

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