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For over half a century of dedicated collection, army veteran Nguyen Tien Binh, residing in My Phuoc ward, Ben Cat city has amassed hundreds of press publications documenting the historic moments of the Vietnamese revolution

On the afternoon of May 15, Nguyen Loc Ha, Member of provincial Party Standing Committee

During this Workers' Month, many enterprises in the province participated in the signing ceremony of a memorandum of understanding on the implementation of occupational safety and hygiene

On May 14, Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Tan Cuong, Member of the Party Central Committee, Standing Member of the Central Military Commission, Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People's Army

The Trade Union of Vietnam - Singapore Industrial Park (VSIP) has just organized a sports festival,

On May 14, Thu Dau Mot city’s Mobilization Board for Voluntary Blood Donation, Red Cross Society

On the afternoon of May 14, Nguyen Van Loc, Member of provincial Party Standing Committee, Chairman of provincial People's Council

One million people will be screened for diseases through an artificial intelligence (AI) platform during a volunteer programme for community health

On May 13, the Provincial Office of Food Safety and Hygiene coordinated with People's Committee of Ben Cat City to organize training on legal documents on food safety in 2024.

The People's Committee of Thu Dau Mot (TDM) city has just issued a plan to plant and tend trees in 2024

Recently, the provincial social insurance system has received many feedbacks from people, workers about some individuals calling to request updating citizen identification numbers

Recently, many workers participating in social insurance at limited liability companies (LLC) want to withdraw social insurance at once.

On the morning of May 12, Irrigation University branch in Binh Duong held a graduation ceremony and awarded diplomas to 192 new doctors, masters, engineers and bachelors

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