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In recent years, alongside economic development, Binh Duong has always paid attention to building a civilized and cultured way of life.

To date, Di An city has established 43 community digital technology groups, with nearly 340 members in quarters in the area.

In recent times, socio-political organizations in the province have performed well in transferring social policy credit funds to eligible members and union members in need of loans.

A program named "Happy summer reading - Learning good things" organized by Tan Uyen City Library this summer has ended after nearly 2 months.

According to a report from provincial Department of Natural Resources and Environment, in July 2024, no new facilities causing environmental pollution emerged

According to Steering Committee 138 of Phu Loi Ward, in the first 6 months of the year, the social security and order situation in the area was stable

The Provincial People's Committee has issued Decision No. 2339/QD-UBND, which promulgates the time plan for the 2024-2025 school year

Recently, the Traffic Police of the Provincial Police have increased supervision and implemented professional measures to monitor soil and rock mining sites.

Tan Uyen city’s Police Agency has directed the local traffic police force to intensify patrols, monitor and strictly handle violations related to vehicles dropping off and picking up students

Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda-Education Commission has recently issued a dispatch to launch an online contest on the 2024 Land Law

A memorial and reburial ceremony was held at a martyrs’ cemetery in Ham Thuan Bac district in the south central province of Binh Thuan

Currently, some localities in our country have recorded cases of infection and death due to dangerous, emerging infectious diseases or diseases for which vaccines are available.

On August 12, the Provincial Police held a conference to expound a plan for mobilizing forces to strengthen patrols, control, and handle violations of traffic order and safety on traffic routes.

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