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Become more mature from extracurricular activities

Update: 08-01-2024 | 11:52:21

According to the new general education program, extracurricular activities and creative experiences are mandatory content for schools to organize. To implement this program, right at the beginning of this school year, Provincial Department of Education and Training directed educational institutions to increase the organization of extracurricular activities and creative experiences to create excitement, promote the spirit of creativity, passion for learning and practicing life skills for students.

Schools in the province regularly organize creative experiential activities for children. In photo: Thuan An City students take part in an activity named "One day I will be a soldier".

Pay attention to implementation

This school year, Khanh Binh Primary School (Tan Uyen City) has more than 3,000 students. In order for students to have good orientation and learning skills, the school recently organized activities on the topic "Elimination of violence against girls and women" and "Gratitude to teachers and parents" for all students of the school. At the event, students were advised by experts and equipped with knowledge about child abuse and school violence; skills to prevent and combat violence, physical, mental and sexual abuse against children...

Nguyen Thi Dao, Principal of Khanh Binh Primary School, said: “Through the thematic activity, the school wants to provide some knowledge and skills and join hands with society to protect children from the dangers of school violence and child abuse; equip students with more life skills. In the coming time, the school will continue to organize more practical and meaningful topics for students."

In recent days, educational institutions in Tan Uyen City have actively organized many extracurricular activities for students. According to  Education & Training Office of Tan Uyen City, from December 18 to December 26, 2023, educational establishments in the city organized for more than 1,000 officials, workers and more than 6,000 students to participate in gratitude activities, clean up and offer incense at heroic martyrs' memorial sites in communes and wards; listen to historical talks; organize a trip to visit red addresses: War Zone D, Vinh Loi War Zone, Ba Kien Bridge Watchtower; visit and give gifts to policy families...

Tran Anh Dung, Deputy Head of Education & Training Office of Tan Uyen City, said that the organization of extracurricular activities is carried out quite flexibly by schools in the city, depending on the conditions of each school, each subject, each commune, and each educational level. To implement the direction of Provincial Department of Education & Training, right from the beginning of this school year, schools have organized extracurricular activities according to program distribution. In particular, the selected topics relate to the culture and history of the homeland, or train students for necessary life skills, preventing accidents and injuries...

Innovate extracurricular activities

As implementing the new general education program, Provincial Department of Education & Training directed educational institutions to implement extracurricular and experiential activities, focus on practical activities, sightseeing, forums, sports, theater... When organizing the activities, schools must proactively choose an organizational form suitable to conditions of the school, locality and in association with real life situations. Not only do schools organize themselves, schools also coordinate with agencies and functional units to make extracurricular events more exciting and attractive.

Recently, Directors Board and History Board of Ben Cat High School (Ben Cat Town) jointly organized a experience tour for tenth-grade students and teachers at Dragon House Wharf - Independence Palace - Suoi Tien tourist area (Ho Chi Minh City). Nguyen Thi Thu Cuc, Vice Principal of the school, said: “During this trip to historical address, students had an opportunity to go on field trips to relic sites, listen to the tour guide giving an overview of historical origins, and recounting heroic battles of their ancestors on the national sacred land. Since then, this activity educated students about traditions and fostered their love for the homeland. These practical and meaningful activities help the children become more connected with each other and motivated to constantly strive, train and cultivate their ethics, manners, and follow the example of Uncle Ho's soldiers."

In addition, in recent times, the form of extracurricular organization by staging skits has also been done by many schools and has been effective, attracted the attention of students. In preschool, schools always create a friendly environment with many extracurricular activities for children to enjoy, such as: real-life experience of being a farmer, a child being a firefighter, a child being a chef, traffic safety... When participating in extracurricular activities, children will exercise their bodies comprehensively, thereby improve health and life skills.

The organization of extracurricular educational activities and creative experiences at schools in the province had had more innovations and been increasingly practical for students, associated with real life situations, has equipped students with life skills and useful knowledge. Thereby, the activities have formed good habits in students, improve confidence, creative thinking, and ability to concentrate; aroused a passion for learning and creativity, helping children develop more comprehensively.

According to the new general education program, extracurricular activities and creative experiences are mandatory contents in the curriculum from elementary to high school with four contents: self-focused activities; socially oriented activities; nature-oriented activities, and vocational activities. For preschool level, schools focus on well-organizing extracurricular activities and physical education activities to improve physical fitness and have life skills; build a safe educational environment for children in schools and preschool classes, ensuring absolute physical and mental safety for children.

Reported by Hong Phuong - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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