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Candidates enjoy stable accommodation during the 2013 university entrance exam at Binh Duong

Update: 03-07-2013 | 00:00:00
Candidates of the 2013 university entrance exam at 3 universities in Binh Duong have started gathering at exam locations. They have also enjoyed stable accommodation during the exam.   Volunteer students of Thu Dau Mot University offer assistance for candidates.

Guidance for candidates

At the exam areas giving assistance for candidates in the province, on July 1 about 500 examinees came from the Southwestern highland and central    provinces. Most of them have been convoyed by their relatives.

  Members of volunteer motorbike taxi team.

At Binh Duong bus station, examinees coming from other provinces and cities have enjoyed assistance from volunteer students who have offered information on local map, routine of bus routes and low priced lodging accommodation and so on.

A motorbike-taxi team including over 30 volunteer members have taken charge of carrying candidates and parents to exam locations, dorms and lodging rooms.

Nguyen Hoang Dieu, head of the team of giving strength to exam season of Binh Duong University said “We have worked enthusiastically to help candidates, despite bad weather. At 5:30 p.m of today a candidate coming other locality called us from Binh Duong bus station to ask for help, so we immediately came and helped him”.

Free dorms

Binh Duong University with a system of 27 dorms is ready to offer accommodation for about 1,000 candidates. Le Van Xuan, manager of Thien Nghia dorm said “We offer more mats and blankets and so on for candidates”.

Meanwhile, Binh Duong University of Economics and Technology has assisted nearly 500 accommodations for candidates free of charge.

  Volunteer students take candidates to dorm.

Candidates have enjoyed free pick-up from volunteer students to come this university’s dorm area.

Candidate Tran Nhu Thuy, said “I’m very happy and feel secure in mind to enjoy such accommodation”.

Low priced lodging rooms

In this year, Thu Dau Mot University lures a highest number of candidates with over 10,300 entries, a double increase from the past year. The university has actively contacted owners of lodging rooms to offer low priced rooms for candidates.

On these days, volunteer students joining positively in the program of giving strength to exam season have grasped over 1,000 addresses and telephone numbers of lodging rooms’ proprietors to counsel and guide candidates in a bid to minimize price hike at lodging rooms.

  Candidates are reviewing lessons at a lodging room.

These volunteer students have helped candidates to seek out stable accommodations with low prices. Price of lodging rooms are at VND30,000-60,000 per person per day.

Thong Quoc Phuong, father of candidate Tac shared “I quitted my busy work to take my son to this exam. Seeking out a good accommodation for my son during this exam season, I’m very happy”.

At other lodging rooms, many candidates have busied with reviews to prepare for the university entrance exam 2013.

Reported by P.Chi, T.Duong – Translated by A.C

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