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Outstanding collectives, individuals in youth development honored

Update: 04-11-2020 | 12:12:17

Early October 30, Ben Cat town’s People’s Committee held a conference to review the implementation of the Government’s Resolution No.45/NQ-CP dated September 11, 2009; the PM’s Resolution No.40/2011/QD-TTg dated July 27, 2011 and the ten-year implementation of youth development for the 2011-2020 period.

The town now has a total of 109,000 youths. After 10 years of realizing the local youth development program, most youths herein have had firm political ideology, absolute faith in the Party’s leadership and well obeyed the Party’s guideline, policies and the State’s laws. The town’s education on revolutionary ideology, morality and cultural lifestyle among youngsters reached positive results. The number of Youth Union members admitted into the Party was increasing, contributing to building up strong Youth Union and associations…

On this occasion, Chairman of the town’s People’s Committee awarded the certificates of merit to outstanding collectives and individuals in the implementation of the local youth development program between 2011 and 2020.

Reported by Nguyen Hau-Translated by K.T

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