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Study promotion for a learning society

Update: 04-05-2013 | 00:00:00
Building a learning society is a basic condition to improve people’s knowledge. Study promotion is one of good deeds to create a well-educated society. Over the past years, Binh Duong is one of localities having an efficient program of study promotion, helping numerous pupils and students pursue their study.   Tan Uyen district’s Vinh Tan commune-based poor pupils enjoy bikes granted by the provincial Department of Fire Prevention and Control.

Leaders’ care

Binh Duong has excelled study promotion for many years. This statement was affirmed by Nguyen Manh Cam, former member of Politburo, former deputy PM and chairman of Vietnam Study Promotion Association on his last visit to Binh Duong province. Nguyen Xuan Vinh, chairman of the provincial society for study promotion said that the society’s programs have received the provincial leaders and entire society’s care. Next, to gain further achievements on study promotion, it is necessary to enjoy support of the whole community as well as reinforce study promotion work at every locality.

According to Nguyen Manh Cam, the study promotion society is an organization to enhance people’s knowledge, develop human resources, find out and foster talents for the country. The society’s work will reach high results if having leaders’ care. Therefore, the work of study promotion should be launched to every family and residential area. The provincial leaders should offer favorable conditions for party members to join in the society in a bid to raise people’s awareness on lifelong study. To develop study promotion, it is essential to develop the study promotion society to communes, wards and to build community learning centers.

For the work of study promotion, the Politburo Bureau also issued an instruction on strengthening the Party’s leadership for study and talent promotion work and building a learning society.

The instruction specifies that it is necessary to spur promulgation and education among people and the Party by various forms to raise importance of building a learning society.

The study promotion’s activity should be attached to building cultural families, quarters and new rural areas. With concrete conditions, every one will enjoy advantages of lifelong learning.

Support of community

Obviously, the provincial program on study promotion has received care from organizations and individuals. Supporting students’ study has always received response from the community.

Annually, voluntary facilities across province hold gift and scholarship visits to needy children and students. In addition, the provincial Buddhist Shangha has paid much attention to study promotion work by granting scholarships or bikes to hundreds of needy students. Meanwhile, centers for orphans have raised awareness on study promotion work.

The program on study promotion has come to poor students. Le Thi Thuy in Phu Tho ward, Thu Dau Mot city enjoying a VND500,000 scholarship from Vietcombank Binh Duong, joyfully said “The scholarship is very precious to my family”. Happy faces of poor students in Dinh Thanh commune, Dau Tieng district when receiving bikes from donors make people be moved. Their study will become more advantaged thanks to these bikes.

The program also comes to communes and wards. Nguyen Thi Cam Tu, chairwoman of Thanh Phuoc commune Women Union in Tan Uyen district, said on average the union offers a monthly subsidy for 6 poor students. In addition, the union also grants hundreds of notebooks, books and so on to excellent-but-poor students.

Donors’ care will be a great assistance in both material and spirit for poor students in an attempt to help them pursue study.

Reported by Q.Nhu – Translated by A.C               

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