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Better mobilize insurance support sources for disadvantaged people

Update: 08-03-2024 | 12:06:41

On March 7, Vietnam Social Insurance delegation led by Tran Dinh Lieu, Deputy General Director, met with Provincial Steering Committee for implementing social insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance (referred to as the Provincial Steering Committee) on the implementation of social insurance policies in the province. Nguyen Loc Ha, Member of Provincial Party Standing Committee, Vice Chairman of Provincial People's Committee, Deputy Head of the Provincial Steering Committee, received and worked with the delegation.

Speaking at the meeting, Mr. Tran Dinh Lieu said that to achieve better results, namely 100% universal health insurance coverage in the coming time, the Provincial Steering Committee needs to set development targets for each level, assign tasks to each member; do not let there be a shortage of medicine or medical supplies in medical examination and treatment for people. If any medical unit does not do a good job in medical examination and treatment, local authority needs to quickly changes to another unit to do the job. Lieu also asked the Provincial Steering Committee to be more active in calling for all resources to contribute to and support insurance for the poor and those having particularly difficult circumstances. For units with prolonged social insurance and health insurance debt, provincial functional agencies can publicize the information on mass media...

Ha said that the Provincial Party Committee, People's Council, and People's Committee are very interested in taking care of life and social security for people in the province. Provincial Steering Committee will direct and review the population; ask localities to better organize collection services, not to affect the interests of insurance participants.

Reported by Quang Tam - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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