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Ben Cat town war veterans in active participation in law dissemination

Update: 16-04-2024 | 14:37:38

On the afternoon of April 15, the Veterans Association of Ben Cat town organized a conference to review the one-year construction and activities of the Veterans Propaganda Club of Ben Cat town and the Veterans Propaganda Team in the wards and communes of the town.

Since July 2023, the Standing Committee of the Veterans Association of Ben Cat town has established and introduced the Veterans Propaganda Club of the town with 15 members.

For the Veterans' Association of the communes, wards have also been established, introducing 8 teams of veteran propaganda with 85 members and gradually entering effective operation, contributing to reducing crime and legal violations in the locality.

Award certificates to individuals with outstanding achievements in propaganda

After 1 year of operation, the Propaganda Club of veteran soldiers in the town and the Propaganda Team of veteran soldiers in the communes and wards have organized in-depth dissemination and promotion of the guidelines, policies, and laws in 79 sessions, with over 4,700 participants.

Besides, the Veterans' Association of communes and wards has proactively built and implemented propaganda and dissemination of laws through various forms, rich content, including enhancing discussions and dialogues with members and people.

Ass a result, the propaganda teams of veteran soldiers in communes and wards have disseminated the law on crime prevention and control; ensuring security, order, and traffic safety to have conducted 47 events, with over 2,300 participants.

On this occasion, the President of the Veterans' Association of Ben Cat town awarded certificates of merit to 6 individuals for their outstanding achievements in carrying out the club's propaganda for veteran soldiers.

Reported by Nguyen Hau – Translated by Vi Bao

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