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Many remarkable results in implementing Resolution 11 in Binh Duong

Update: 26-09-2011 | 00:00:00

According to the provincial department of Trade and Industry, implementing Government’s Resolution 11 at Binh Duong province in the past 9 months reached many positive results.  at Binh Duong Apparel Company.

A 17.5% rise in industry

This is a remarkable figure and a large effort of the local industrial sector. The provincial industrial production value in the first 9 months of this year won a 17.5% growth, winning 67% of 2011’s plan. The total industrial production value was estimated at VND85,684bil, of which VND28, 211bil was from local economic sector and VND54,472bil from foreign economic sector. Among the sectors with a fair growth, exploitation industry surged 15.8%, processing industry 18%, electricity distribution and production industry 18.3%.

In the first 9 months of this year, some items winning a fair increase included automobile (52.9%), stone (32.8%), tobacco and chemical (28.9%), clothes (26.2%) and medicines (22.8%)…   

The above results are thanks to instructions from the provincial People’s Committee with concrete measures based on Resolution 11. In addition, local businesses set out measures for production and business, contributing to cut expenses for improvement of production efficiency.

Reportedly, the custom price index in the September surged 0.32% from the previous month. This is a proof for efficiency of Resolution 11. Notably, despite difficult situation, the total retail in this month remained stable, reaching VND41,366bil, a 29.7% rise from the same period last year.

Resolution 11 creates a strategic orientation for Binh Duong to control inflation and stabilize market. The provincial People’s Committee set out Plan 1350/KH-UBND dated May 19, 2011 on stability of essential items. Implementing the plan, the local department of Trade and Industry held goods selling journeys with stabilized prices across province.

Obviously, the province reached encouraging figures in industrial production and trade thanks to Resolution 11.

Reported by K.Vinh – Translated by A.C

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