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11th session of 10th provincial People's Council for 2021-2026 tenure discusses solutions to promote socio-economic development

Update: 20-07-2023 | 11:56:01

The 11th session of the 10th provincial People's Council for the 2021-2026 tenure will take place on July 20 and 21. On this occasion, Binh Duong Newspaper had an exchange with Nguyen Van Loc (photo), Member of provincial Party Standing Committee, Chairman of provincial People's Council about the key contents that will be considered, discussed and decided at the important session.

- The 11th session is the regular mid-year session of the 10th provincial People's Council for the 2021-2026 tenure. Could you tell us about the preparation, content and agenda of this session?

- The 11th session of the 10th provincial People's Council for the 2021-2026 tenure will take place on July 20 and 21, 2023. The opening and closing sessions will be broadcast on Binh Duong TV and radio station. The preparation of the session was carried out by the Standing Committee of provincial People's Council in accordance with the process and provisions of the law. The Standing Committees of provincial People's Council, People's Committee and Fatherland Front Committee met and agreed on the contents to be submitted to the mid-year regular session. Along with that, for the content to be submitted to the session to achieve quality and efficiency, the Standing Committee of provincial People's Council has assigned the committees of provincial People's Council to verify in accordance with the areas in charge; proactively approach reports and draft resolutions right from the drafting stage; accompany and support specialized agencies to advise on the draft resolution. The session’s documents were fully sent to delegates through the session’s management software for participants to study in advance. Especially, deputy groups of provincial People's Council held meetings to discuss and contribute ideas on the contents to be submitted to the session.

At the session, provincial People's Council will focus on discussing, analyzing and realistically assessing achieved results, difficulties, especially in the implementation of socio-economic targets in the first 6 months of the year, the completion of the growth targets for the whole year; consider and decide on other important issues to serve the management and administration of the local socio-economic development; review reports in accordance with the Law on Supervision of the National Assembly and the People's Council…

- Which key contents will provincial People's Council consider, discuss and decide at the session?

At the 11th session, the 10th provincial People's Council will focus on discussing solutions to remove enterprises ’obstacles in production and business to promote the local socio-economic development

- 2023 is an important pivotal year in the implementation of the Resolution of the 11th provincial Party Congress for the 2020-2025 tenure and Resolution of provincial People's Council for the 2021-2026 tenure. To prepare for the mid-term review and assessment, contributing to promoting the local socio-economic development, at the session, provincial People's Council will focus on considering such key issues as the results of socio-economic development in the first six months of the year and give ideas on a number of issues with solutions to remove difficulties to successfully implement the local targets on socio-economic development for the rest of 2023; adjust investment policies of public investment projects in the province…

Provincial People's Council will also consider and approve a number of support regimes for drug addiction treatment measures in the province; regulate the levels of collection, payment, management and use of fees for granting work permits to foreigners working in enterprises, agencies, organizations and individuals operating in the province... Especially, provincial People's Council will consider and approve the regimes and policies related to the local human resources such as regimes and policies for the political system at the grassroots level; stipulation of titles, a number of regimes and policies for part-time workers and people directly getting involved in the work, the levels of support for socio-political organizations, social organizations at commune, hamlet and quarter levels in the province; regulation on the number of cadres, civil servants and part-time workers at commune level to increase under the size of area and population... at the session.

 - It is known that at the session, provincial People's Council will hold a question-and-answer session. Could you tell us what topics the Q&A session will focus on?

- This is an important content at the session and is of great interest to voters. Therefore, since the beginning of June, the Standing Committee of provincial People's Council has sent a document to delegates of provincial People's Council, requesting opinions and recommendations of voters, the results of supervision activities and the functions, tasks and fields and then sending them to the Standing Committee of provincial People's Council for synthesis. The issues selected by the Standing Committee of provincial People's Council to question are issues of special interest to voters, people and public opinion. Based on the opinions and recommendations of voters and social issues of concern, it is expected that the Q&A session will include 2 groups of issues related to solutions to support enterprises to overcome difficulties in production and business activities; the operation, improvement of the operational quality of provincial Public Administration Center and information system to handle administrative procedures. Those who are in charge of answering the questions are members of provincial People's Committee, directors of provincial Department of Planning and Investment, Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs, Department of Industry and Trade, Chief of provincial People's Committee Office. A number of departments and sectors will also participate in answering relevant questions...

- Thank you!

Reported by Do Trong-Translated by Kim Tin

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