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Get-together marks Int’l Women’s Day

Update: 05-03-2020 | 11:24:52

Early March 4, North Tan Uyen district’s Women’s Union held a get-together to mark the 110th anniversary of International Women’s Day (March 8, 1910-March 8, 2020) and the 1980th anniversary of Trung Sisters ‘Uprising.

At the get-together, delegates reviewed the history of International Women’s Day and the significance of Trung Sisters ‘Uprising; the fine tradition of Vietnamese women in general and of women in the district in particular.

Over the past time, officials and members of the district’s Women’s Union actively studied, creatively worked and helped each other in daily life; effectively realized emulation movements, namely “Women actively study, creatively work, build up happy families”, “Building families with 5-Nos and 3-Cleans”…, in association with studying and following late President Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality and lifestyle…

Reported by Cao Son-Translated by K.T

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