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Trade competitiveness will support national growth

Update: 25-11-2019 | 16:25:49

In the framework of the Horasis Binh Duong 2019, a session under the theme of “Asia’s competitiveness in the new era” took place on the afternoon of November 24. Kenji Yokoyama, Deputy Chairman of Risumeikan Asia-Pacific University in Japan chaired the session, in attendance of executive directors from Singapore, South Korea, India and the Philippines.

Delegates at the session

At the session, experts affirmed that trade competitiveness will support national growth. They also put focus on answering questions: Asia changes from adapting to leading the trend of globalization, so how will Asian companies be when expanding foreign markets? How will they approach in the current global period?...

In the Asia-Pacific region, there is a strategic competitiveness plus increasing the mobilization of forces under different trends, making cooperation and cooperation between countries get more fierce.

Reported by Tieu My-Dinh Hau-Translated by K.T

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