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Working people proposes civil matters

Update: 11-05-2024 | 14:00:44

Yesterday of May 10 at Thuan An city Center of Politics, Binh Duong provincial Trade Union held a constituent meeting of topical agenda between NA delegates and Trade Union officials, workers and enterprises in the province with the attendance of Mrs. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Xuan, Deputy Head of Binh Duong provincial NA Delegation, the NA delegates, leaders of provincial Fatherland Front Committee, departments, sectors and nearly 300 Trade Union officials and working people.

Practical opinions

At the meeting, 14 opinions have showcased the trembling thoughts of working people, grassroots trade unions, and enterprises in the province. The ideas conveyed the contribution to draft law of amended Social Insurance Law, the draft law of Trade Union to be under consideration of the NA at its 7th session in the 15th tenure.

The opinions were also concentrated on Trade Union operations, rights and benefits of members, and social housing, some contents of Social Insurance Law to be amended affecting the working people like payments, employment, and treatments towards female workers, especially those in labor, illness, and child-care. The working people also asked about the support of social housing, the requirements for social housing purchase, etc.

At the conference, representatives of working people, grassroots trade unions and enterprises have raised questions on policies and laws of social insurance and social housing for working people

Mrs. Pham Thi Tuyet, a worker at Common Use Shoes Company (An Phu Ward, Thuan An City), suggested that local authorities need to have an open mechanism for workers to easily access social housing. Mrs. Pham Thi Tuyet also shared information about her friend who has been living stably for 6 years in a shared ownership house in Dong Thanh neighborhood, Tan Dong Hiep Ward, Di An City, but faces difficulties in legalizing the paperwork, affecting the registration of permanent and temporary residence and many other consequences. Therefore, Mrs. Tuyet proposes that the relevant departments and localities support workers with necessary procedures for settling down and stabilizing their lives.

Constant listening and understanding

Speaking at the conference, Mrs. Nguyen Kim Loan, Chairwoman of the provincial Trade Union, said that this conference aims to listen to the thoughts, aspirations, suggestions, and proposals of voters who are grassroots trade union officials and workers in the province regarding difficulties and obstacles related to the implementation of policies and laws in the fields of investment, production, business, as well as policies, regulations, and laws related to trade union members and workers.

In that regard, localities will synthesize, promptly reflect, propose recommendations to the National Assembly, the Government, relevant agencies, organizations to remove obstacles, create favorable conditions for the investment, production, business activities of enterprises, contribute to promoting economic growth, continue to effectively implement social security policies, timely take good care of the material and spiritual life of trade union members and workers.

At the conference, the departments and agencies responded satisfactorily to the opinions of grassroots union representatives and workers. Regarding the request to legalize shared ownership of houses that has been stable for 6 years but faces difficulties in legalizing documents, Mrs. Nguyen Ngoc Thuy, Deputy Director of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment, stated that in the past, the province had many self-organized residential areas where workers had purchased and lived in. Currently, the authorities and localities are reviewing and creating favorable conditions for workers to complete necessary paperwork and ensure stable living conditions for those qualified self-built residential areas.

At the conference, Ms. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Xuan represented the provincial National Assembly Delegation to receive and incorporate the opinions of grassroots trade unions, workers, especially their feedback on the Draft Law amending the Social Insurance Law, and the Draft Law amending the Trade Union Law. For policies for workers, on behalf of the delegation, Ms. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Xuan promised to convey these opinions to the National Assembly, the Government. For opinions under the jurisdiction of the province, local authorities, Mrs. Xuan proposed that the specialized department receive opinions to transfer to the relevant authorities for timely consideration and resolution.

Many grassroots trade union officials and workers believe that the specialized meeting between National Assembly deputies and trade union officials, workers, and enterprises in the province is very beneficial. Workers not only broaden their knowledge of their legitimate rights and interests but also deeply appreciate the role and significance of the trade union organization for workers. They hope that the provincial Trade Union will regularly organize these conferences to meet and dialogue in order to be closer for better understanding.

Reported by Ho Van – Hoang Trung – Translated by Vi Bao

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