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49 products participate in the 5th province-level model rural industrial products 2020

Update: 06-05-2020 | 16:40:59

According to provincial Department of Industry and Trade, after the dissemination and implementation of the 5th province-level model rural industrial products 2020 voting plan, there were 49 registration of products of 28 rural industrial production establishments from districts, towns, and cities. Namely, Ben Cat Town registered 9 products, Tan Uyen Town 14 products, Thuan An City 15 products, North Tan Uyen District 1 product, Phu Giao District 10 products.

Dau Tieng, Bau Bang Districts, and Di An City did not have products in this product vote.  Particularly, Thu Dau Mot City did not participate, because production establishments in this area are not subjects of this vote.

Reported by Tieu My - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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