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Issues of social welfare, market price, traffic accident and so on paid much attention at meetings with voters

Update: 04-12-2013 | 00:00:00

On Dec. 3, the provincial NA deputies delegation including Huynh Ngoc Dang, Le Huu Phuoc and Nguyen Thanh Hong paid a meeting with voters in Binh An ward and Binh Thang ward of Di An town. At the meeting, the provincial NA deputies delegation reported voters results of the 6th session of the 13th NA and the 2013 achievements of the provincial NA deputies delegation.

After hearing these reports, voters expressed their aspirations of taking historical events into textbooks to educate young generation; corruption prevention and fighting; simplification of administration procedures and many more.

Also the same day, the provincial NA deputies delegation including Mai Huu Tin and Pham Trong Nhan paid a meeting with voters of An Thanh ward, Binh Nham, An Son and Hung Dinh communes at An Thanh ward People’s Committee in Thuan An town.

Here, voters petitioned issues of improvement of quality of dikes; maintenance on order and security; control of price hike; policies for cadres and soldiers working at borders and islands and etc.

In the afternoon, the delegation met with voters of 3 wards including Thuan Giao, An Phu and Binh Chuan at Thuan Giao ward People’s Committee. Voters of 3 wards petitioned problems of preventing and fighting corruption, overload at schools, entertainment at residential areas and many more.

Also the same day, the provincial NA deputies delegation including Le Thanh Nhon, Phuong Huu Viet met with voters of Chanh My commune in Thu Dau Mot city. At the meeting, voters referred many issues of curbing traffic accidents, stabilizing prices, drastically solving complaint and denouncement.

After listening voters’ petitions, the NA deputies synthesized issues to transfer to competent authorities for settlement.

Reported by K.Tuyen, N.Nhu, T.Thao – Translated by A.C

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