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To construct modern and civilized Binh Duong urban areas

Part 1: Urban renovation, upgrade and beautification

Update: 26-10-2018 | 11:34:17

In implementing the Resolution of the 12th National Party Congress, the Resolution of the 10th Provincial Party Congress, 2015-2020 term, the Provincial Party Committee of Binh Duong has built a breakthrough program on "Urban development to be civilized, to be rich and to improve the quality of life of people "(Program No.22). Accordingly, one of the specific objectives of the program is: Upgrading and renovating Thu Dau Mot city and Thuan An, Di An, Ben Cat, Tan Uyen urban areas along the direction of civilization, cleanliness and elevation. high quality of life for the people.

Up to now, the urbanization rate has reached 80.5%. In this photo: A corner of urban Thu Dau Mot. Photo: Xuan Thi

Renovation and embellishment associated with the management of urban order

In the past few years, in parallel with the focus on reviewing the adjustment of general planning and building solutions to attract investment to fill the Binh Duong Industrial Complex - Service - Urban Complex, related sectors and Localities in the province have actively implemented synchronous solutions for renovation and embellishment of urban areas in the direction of civilization and modernity. Each locality demonstrates the determination and high effort to effectively carry out renovation work and urban renewal in the area.

Being a nuclear urban area that has the role of creating linkages and promoting the socio-cultural and social development of the province, in the past time, the Party Committee of Thu Dau Mot city has focused on planning and embellishing urban At the same time, efforts to better manage the urban order contributed significantly to changing the whole city. With the achievements in building, renovating and embellishing urban areas, Thu Dau Mot has been recognized by the Prime Minister as a grade 1 city under Binh Duong. Nguyen Loc Ha, Chairman of the People's Committee of Thu Dau Mot city, said that the achievements in urban construction and development over the past time has laid the foundation for Thu Dau Mot city to strive to improve and raise At the same time, it will take good role of the city with the function of administrative - service - trade - tourism - industry center of the province in the future, contributing to strive for The general objective of the province is to "improve the material and spiritual well-being of the people and move towards a civilized and beautiful city".

Together with Thu Dau Mot, Thuan An, Di An, Ben Cat and Tan Uyen have implemented many solutions to renovate, upgrade and renovate urban areas. With the goal of striving for the end of 2018, Thuan An Town will meet the criteria of urban type 2 according to the Resolution of the Party Congress set out, over the past time, the Town Party has focused on leading the real The work of planning, embellishing, restoring urban order. Le Quang Vinh, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Thuan An affirmed: With the leadership and timely attention of the Provincial Party Committee, the provincial People's Committee, the support of the provincial departments, The Party Committee of the town has taken the initiative in implementing the comprehensive, synchronous and effective implementation of many important tasks set by the reality, especially the work of embellishing and restoring urban order , urban civilization, modern.

Over the past time, Thuan An town has reviewed and adjusted urban master plan to meet development requirements; implementing the zoning plan of 9 wards and the planning of new rural communes of An Son, reaching the rate of 100%; 18 hectares of An Phu Ward; approved 28 detailed planning projects and 14 housing projects. In renovating and restoring urban order, the town has reviewed the public land for investment in small and medium parks, repairing pavements and lighting systems for some roads. At the same time, the town plans to renovate, repair the infrastructure of spontaneous subdivisions; renovating and renovating Lai Thieu Park. The town has invested in pavements and trees, installed and renovated lighting systems for some main roads in An Thanh ward and Lai Thieu precinct; Carrying out clearance of the site of the cemetery land to create a clean land fund for educational works and resettlement area.

Towards civilization and modernity

Being located in the southern key economic region, in the past years Binh Duong always maintained high economic growth. In addition, the speed of urbanization of the province is strong, the fastest in the city of Thu Dau Mot and the southern provinces of the province. In that situation, in the past many years, the province has always paid attention to urban development with the goal of building Binh Duong into a civilized city, rich in beauty towards smart cities, linking urban development with advanced quality of life of the people.

Since the separation of the province, over 20 years of construction and development, with determination to develop the city to match the development of the province, the provincial Party Committee, the provincial People's Committee has developed many programs, projects and projects. on urban development such as Binh Duong urban development program for the period of 2011-2015, vision to 2020; Urban Development Program of Binh Duong Province in the 2016-2020 period, especially Program No. 22-CTr / TU dated 15-8-2016 of the Provincial Party Committee on "Urban development towards civilization, rich and beautiful. quality of life of the people ". This is one of the four breakthrough programs of the provincial Party Committee to implement the Resolution of the 12th National Party Congress, the resolution of the 10th provincial Party Congress, term 2015-2020.

Preliminary summing-up meeting between the tenure of the 10th provincial Party Congress, 2015-2020 term of the provincial Party Committee at the 20th meeting of the provincial Party Committee (extension) showed that Cong Planning and urban planning are the province's attention, guidance, review and adjustment in accordance with the situation of socio-economic development of the province. Localities have stepped up the implementation of embellishment and upgrading of urban areas with good results and the right roadmap, thus contributing to improving the general appearance of urban centers of the province, raising the quality of people's life and creating motive force. attract investment, develop socio-economic. Up to now, the rate of urbanization in the whole province has reached 80.5%, the construction of the capital construction has been completed, the coverage rate of the general planning has reached 100%, the zoning plan is 100%, the ratio of communes Newly built rural areas have been set up, functional zones and construction investment projects have detailed plans. At present, the province has 1 grade 1 city, namely Thu Dau Mot and 4 grade 3 cities; Thuan An town and Di An town were approved by the Ministry of Construction in 2017; Ben Cat and Tan Uyen townships have been approved by the People's Council in two proposals to recognize Ben Cat and Tan Uyen townships from grade 4 to grade 3 at the 7th meeting session, the People's Council 9th grade) and 4 grade 5 cities.

With the goal of upgrading and improving the city of Thu Dau Mot and Thuan An, Di An, Ben Cat and Tan Uyen urban centers along the direction of civilization and cleanliness and improving the quality of life for people, the next time is of very heavy burden. However, with the efforts and results achieved in the past will be an important premise for each locality and related departments to strive to successfully achieve the goals set in the provincial breakthrough program. "Urban development towards civilization, rich and beautiful and improve the quality of life of people."

(To be continued)

Reported by Tri Dung – Translated by Vi Bao

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