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On June 25, provincial Youth Union, Police Agency and Children's Cultural House co-organized a ceremony to kick off the "Learning to be police officers" program

The Party Central Committee, the National Assembly (NA), the State President, the Government, the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Central Committee

In the welcoming atmosphere of the 70th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu Victory, teachers and students of Dien Bien Provincial Ethnic Boarding High School are also busy with educational tasks.

On the morning of May 6, at Iron Triangle Tunnel Relic Area (Ben Cat City), Binh Duong Provincial Youth Union Standing Committee in coordination with the Provincial Veterans Association’s Standing Committee

Early May 6, Dr. Nguyen Hoang Thao, Permanent Vice-Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Principal of provincial Political School gave a specialized report

70 years ago, after 56 days and nights of heroic fighting, our army and people completely destroyed the Dien Bien Phu stronghold group

A delegation gathering representatives of the Party Central Committee, State, National Assembly, Government, and the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee laid flowers

The Dien Bien Phu Victory (May 7, 1954) was not only a victory of the strength of intelligence and public consensus but also contributed to the end of the resistance war

Representatives of the Vietnamese and French armies will soon sign a letter of trust, which covers various contents directly related to the northwestern mountainous province of Dien Bien

Evening May 5, at the Provincial Labor Cultural Center, Binh Duong Provincial Labor Confederation held a launching ceremony for the Action Month on occupational safety and hygiene and Workers' Month 2024.

On May 4, the Provincial Military Command organized a democratic dialogue meeting between the head of Provincial Military Command and officers

On May 4, Binh Duong Provincial Party Propagation and Education Committee held a meeting to celebrate the 75th anniversary

Early May 4, Nguyen Van Loi, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Head of provincial National Assembly (NA) deputy delegation

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