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Provincial Youth Union organizes conference for reporters-propagandists in Q3

Update: 15-09-2023 | 11:32:15

 *Contest learning about the Resolution of provincial Youth Union Congress for 2022-2027 tenure launched

Early September 14, provincial Youth Union organized a conference for reporters and propagandists in the third quarter of 2023. The online conference was organized at the hall of VNPT Binh Duong.

At the conference, Youth Union officials and members were given a special subject learning and following late President Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and life style in terms of making mass lifestyle, democracy and setting examples; studying and following his lifelong learning spirit. In addition, the conference informed them of the world and region’s situation, Vietnam's relations with other countries and propaganda about sovereignty over sea, islands and borders.

*On the same day, provincial Youth Union launched an online contest to learn about the Resolution of the 11th provincial Youth Union Congress for the 2022-2027 tenure. The contest is held in 4 rounds, from September 14 to October 5. The local Youth Union members and young people can register to take part in the competition and take online multiple-choice tests on the internet through website:

Reported by Nhu Y-Translated by Kim Tin


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