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Vinasoy Binh Duong Factory production in combination with environmental protection

Update: 06-03-2019 | 10:33:03


With the motto "Productivity - quality - safe - clean and beautiful", Vinasoy Binh Duong Factory have appliedthis to all their production and business activities. Thus, their products have good quality, are safe and environmentally friendly.

The factory invested in construction and effective operation of environmental pollution control works, such as wastewater treatment system of 1,000m3 / day and night, boiler exhaust treatment system, waste warehouses... The factory also uses CNG gas - environmentally friendly, replaced ordinary fuel sources such as DO oil, FO... Waste control, chemical control, fire protection are checked and evaluated periodically as prescribed.

Besides, green areas such as green trees and grass cover account for about 35%, creating a green-clean-beautiful, environment-friendly landscape.

Reported by P.V – Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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