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Agriculture improves added values towards sustainable development

Update: 06-10-2020 | 15:43:08

Thanks to the timely support of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development together with authorities at all levels, the province’s agriculture and rural development sector has reached positive paces, significantly contributing to the local socio-economic development.

Hi-economic efficiency

Regarding cultivation, many households and farms in the province were proactive to apply sci-tech advancements into production over the past time, bringing hi-economic efficiency in line with each locality’s real situation.

The rock melons-growing model of Unifarm in Phu Giao district’s An Thai commune

The whole province is now home to more than 580 hectares for organic cultivation, including 250 hectares of citrus trees, over 25 hectares of vegetables and 258 hectares of other fruit trees. An Thai hi-tech agricultural park (called Unifarm) in Phu Giao district has taken the lead in hi-tech agriculture of the province. Established in 2008, Unifarm has become one of the province’s typical green economic models, opening up opportunities for the local farmers to make the shift of plant structure with quality improved to join in the export market. For many consecutive years, Unifarm was one of the province’s outstanding units in agricultural production. Noticeably, Unifarm has always got ready to make sci-tech transfer in cultivation for farmers and buy products from farming households developing its hi-tech agricultural models…

Enhancing production value

Under the Program on the restructuring of agriculture towards enhancing added values towards sustainable development and provincial People’s Committee’s Decision No.3265/QD-UBND on approval of the Project on urban agricultural development in the southern region of the province for the 2016-2020 period, the province’s agricultural sector has achieved positive changes, greatly contributing to the cause of new-style rural construction, improving the lives of people.

The province has strengthened the restructuring of agriculture towards improving production values in association with new-style rural construction. Accordingly, the province’s agricultural sector has given priority to promoting the strong points of zones on fruit trees, vegetables, medicinal herbs, animal husbandry…; attached special importance to forestry development in association with sustainable poverty reduction; strengthened the realization of the “One commune, One product” program; developed community tourism in association with new-style rural construction.

Nguyen Hong Quyet, Director of Kim Long hi-tech agricultural cooperative in Phu Giao district’s An Binh commune said that thanks to sci-tech application, the cooperative’s rock melon products reach high quality with VietGAP certificate. Every year, the cooperative supplies the market with more than 200 tons of rock melon with the revenue of between VND 9billion and VND10billion, generating regular jobs for more than 60 laborers with the average income of VND6million-VND6.5million per person per month.

Along with this, the province’s animal husbandry has also continued developing towards gradually increasing plants and animals with hi-economic values. There are now more than 70% of pigs, chickens invested under the scale of farms with hi-tech application. So far, the whole province has had 4 large-scale farms on animal husbandry winning the certificate free of African hog cholera from the Department of Animal Health. They are also the first farms of the whole country getting the certificate.

Noticeably, the province also focused on building up a mechanism to lure businesses in the field of agriculture and rural development; seeking consumption markets for agricultural products while implementing the “One commune, One product” program over the past time. All contributed to creating jobs, stabilizing the lives of tens of thousands of the local laborers…

Mai Hung Dung, member of provincial Party Standing Committee, Permanent Vice-Chairman of provincial People’s Committee said that the province’s agricultural sector needs to further boost its restructuring, improving the productivity and quality of agricultural products as well as the effectiveness of production-business; promote sci-tech transfer, develop human resources for better development.

Reported by Thoai Phuong-Translated by K.T

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