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Meaning of "Supporting poor patients"

Update: 03-07-2023 | 11:11:55

Preserving and promoting the good traditional cultural value "Good leaves cover torn leaves", partly helping patients lessen difficulties during treatment, Fatherland Front Committee of Lai Thieu ward (Thuan An city) set up and introduced an activity named "Supporting poor patients".

Living is giving

"Supporting poor patients" gathers a volunteer group led by Vo Thi To Nga (Hoa Long quarter). Every two days on a regular basis, the group cooks and donates about 600 vegetarian meals to poor patients being treated at Medical Center of Thuan An City.

In order to prepare breakfast meals for patients and family, the preparation for the cooking stage started at 3 am. At this time, while everyone was still sleeping, at Ms. Nga's house the lights and the fire were on. More than 10 members of the group are busy with work. Although they had to stay up late and get up early, everyone had smiles on their faces and talked cheerfully. In just a few hours, the meals prepared with all their love became a meaningful gift for the poor.

Fatherland Front Committee of Lai Thieu Ward (Thuan An City) introduce "Supporting poor patients”.

Nguyen Van Hau, a member of the group, said: “Life is about giving, so the way we give is also the way we receive joy and happiness in return. We think like that, thus we work together with joy and also hope that the recipients are also happy when they receive small gifts like this."

At exactly 6 am, 250 servings of hot noodles and soy milk were delivered to patients and their families at Thuan An City Medical Center. In an instant, all meals were delivered. Ms. Vo Thi To Nga said: “Many poor people are exempt from medical exam fees at hospital but still struggle with many other expenses. The group gathered our friends, instead of meeting at a cafe, every month we do something meaningful to help people. As a result, we gathered together, at first we bought dumplings to give to poor people, then the group decided to cook vegetarian meals for patients and patients' families that would be the most practical and meaningful. Each person contributes something, we are determined to maintain these activities."

To spread the love

Up to now, Ms. Nga's volunteer group has been operating for more than 5 years. She also can't remember how many meals she gave to poor patients, only remembers Covid-19 days, in which the group didn't stop working, on the contrary, became more and more active, strived to join hands with local authorities to maintain kitchens to cook and donate many meals to forces in charge of disease prevention and control in the ward and people having difficult circumstances. Although the group's actions are small, they have great humanitarian significance, and join hands with the government to help people overcome and win the pandemic.

Nguyen Hoang Yen, Chairwoman of Hoa Phu ward’s Fatherland Front Committee, said: “Nga's group has done social and charitable activities to help many poor and needy people, attracting and connecting the interest of people with a good heart, arousing the spirit of mutual affection, Fatherland Front Committee of the ward gathered the group members and launched "Supporting poor patients" to link the local government with benevolent hearts to do social welfare work. Simultaneously, mobilizing the synergy of both political system and benevolent people to jointly support those disadvantaged people is also part of the goals of poverty reduction, contributing to fulfilling socio-economic development targets, ensuring social security, order and safety in the locality”.

Ms. Nguyen Ngoc Phuong, Head of Party Mass Mobilization Committee, Chairwoman of Fatherland Front Committee of Thuan An City, said that after the launch of this model, members will always accompany poor patients and hope that more benefactors would join and support poor patients. Not only providing meals, but hopefully this activity would also have many other forms of support such as free medical examination and treatment, gift giving, financial support for disease treatment of poor patients, etc. With that goal, the ward Fatherland Front will also set plans to help the group work effectively, the model will be maintained for a long time to call on many benefactors care for poor patients.

Reported by Ngoc Nhu - Translated by Ngoc Huynh


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