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To construct modern and civilized Binh Duong urban areas

Part 2: To develop plenty kinds of housing

Update: 26-10-2018 | 11:34:17

Part 1: Urban renovation, upgrade and beautification

Binh Duong is a province located in the southern key economic region with a strong urbanization. After more than 20 years of construction and development, to accelerate the industrialization and modernization, Binh Duong has turned the agricultural land into industrial parks and urban areas with quite complete infrastructure, synchronized. However, in recent years, the difficulties and challenges affecting the development of the province are gradually emerging, in which the increase of the population is the pressure on the development of the city. town of the province.

To promote the development of housing projects

Developing and developing various types of housing such as social housing, housing for workers, housing for low income people is one of the solutions mentioned in the Breakthrough Program. "The market is civilized, rich and beautiful and improve the quality of life of people "(Program No. 22). On the other hand, the province strives to 2020, the average housing area reached 30m2 per person according to the Resolution of the 10th Congress, the provincial Party. To realize that goal, the provincial People's Committee has directed the establishment and approval of the housing development program in Binh Duong province to 2020 with a vision to 2030; has promulgated a housing development plan in Binh Duong province in the period of 2016-2020 as a basis to ensure the completion of housing development criteria, meeting the diverse needs of housing types for the people studying work, live and work in the province; At the same time, we will implement an urban upgrading program to accelerate rapid and sustainable urbanization.

Housing projects not only meet the needs of the people but also create harmony of urban space Photo: Tri Dung

According to the Department of Construction, to achieve the average housing area of ​​30m2 per person, in the period 2016-2020 need to invest construction increased by 5.6 million m2 commercial floor, 19.64 million m2 individual housing (built by the people themselves) and 2.71 million square meters of social housing. Mr. Vo Hoang Ngan, Director of the Department of Construction, said that currently commercial housing (including low-income housing) has approved the policy of investing about 2.278 million m2 floor housing, reached over 40% of the plan. In addition, if the large projects have been decided to invest in housing areas with relatively large areas such as Dai Nam housing (about 1 million m2 of housing floor), the floor area is about 3.878 million square meters of floor space (about 69% of the plan). In addition, up to now, there are 85 social housing development projects in the province with a total area of ​​3.9 million m2, including 43 projects under the Becamex social security scheme. with a total area of ​​3.1 million square meters of housing with a total of 70,000 apartments. In addition, there are about 200 enterprises in industrial parks and clusters investing in building houses for workers with a total area of ​​about 270,000 m2.

Over the past time, the provincial People's Committee has directed the establishment and approval of the housing development program in Binh Duong province to 2020 with a vision to 2030; To promulgate the housing development plan of Binh Duong province in the 2016-2020 period as a basis for ensuring the fulfillment of the housing development criteria, meeting the diversified demand for types of dwelling houses for the people who are studying. , labor, living in the province; At the same time, to implement the urban upgrading program in order to speed up the process of rapid and sustainable urbanization.

There are about 3 million square meters of residential space built by households and individuals in the province, equivalent to about 180,000 units, to meet the needs of 540,000 laborers and students. This type of housing is still handling a large part of housing for workers and workers working in the province. According to statistics, by early 2018, the average housing area in the province reached 27.7 m2 per person. According to the Department of Construction, by 2020 will reach the target Resolution of the Tenth provincial Party Congress is 30m2 per person," said Vo Hoang Ngan.

To focus on addressing "bottlenecks"

It can be said that the efforts of the province and related departments and the participation of enterprises in the implementation of investment projects to develop housing types have been resolved the need for housing. Businesses for people studying, working and living in the province. However, demand for housing in the area is still very large, while many projects are slow or not deployed in the long term causing annoyance to people in the project area, wasting land resources.

To deal with the above situation, the Department of Construction has checked and reported to the provincial People's Committee to direct the handling of delayed projects and at the same time petition the provincial People's Committee to revoke the policy of 4 projects; reminded and asked to commit to the project for 37 projects. However, to date, some projects have not been implemented yet. Causes of the situation are recognized including both subjective and objective causes, including subjective reasons from the investor is the main. It is weak financial capacity, lack of experience of the investor should not overcome the challenges in the real estate market. The lack of finance besides the policy of planning, compensation and site clearance changes gradually to the projects of land clearance so investors can not deploy as planned. A number of projects have been completed and put into use but the management of construction is not tight and does not ensure fire prevention and fighting, thus affecting the overall beauty of the whole project. Some investors have not actively accelerated investment progress, delayed and submitted to competent authorities for approval of relevant legal procedures at the time of project implementation, so when continuing to implement the project. Subject to the provisions of existing laws.

As a matter of fact, the Department of Construction has made immediate and long-term solutions to clear up the bottlenecks in the implementation of housing projects. Accordingly, for land clearance projects in the form of "leopard skin", investors should actively coordinate with local authorities, increase investment capital to accelerate the clearance of land or the investor Arrange, consider the plan of land swap, reduce the scale, quickly complete the project. With limited financial capacity, the investor considers the plan to link potential partners to continue the project. The state management agencies in the field of land and construction as well as local authorities should have a mechanism to support the clearance (for projects with progress of clearance of more than 80 % of the project scale), complete the legal procedures with the fastest time to continue the project implementation, and regularly have a mechanism to check the progress of the project with the investor. Timely remove difficulties, difficulties. For projects where investors have been approved for investment policies without delay or delayed without any plausible reasons, the functional branches shall have to inspect and handle projects in accordance with the provisions of to avoid causing waste of resources and causing trouble among the people.

The development of housing projects in the province over time not only meet the needs of people but also positive impact on the rapid urbanization process, contributing to ensure the harmony of space, urban landscape architecture, improving the material and spiritual life of the people. In the coming time, with the resolutely dealing with slow or non-implementation of housing projects and the implementation of various housing projects in the province will certainly contribute to the construction of increasingly civilized and modern urban Binh Duong.

(To be continued…)

Reported by Tri Dung – Translated by Vi Bao

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