Apart from the inheritance of documents from Department of Land Administration and merged agencies, the volume of records and documents under provincial Department of Natural Resources and Environment (DONRE) over 15 years is huge. Archives that contain valuable information on natural resources and environment affirm legal land use right for organizations and individuals.
Collected records are achieved scientifically and manageable.
Many outstanding features
Statistics of the Center for Information Technology - Archives of Natural Resources and Environment said that DONRE collected more than 3,000m document shelves, including the scientific arrangement of archives of 1,692.5m document shelves, equivalent to 150,578 preservation units and more than 40,000 maps of different types. Most of them were valuable dossiers in fields of land surveying, geodesy and cartography, water resources and minerals, meteorology, hydrology and environment. Every year, the department handles nearly 1,000 requests from organizations and individuals to study, exploit and use NRE data, with over 40,000 copies.
For fast and accurate archiving and sharing of information, extending the life of original documents, DONRE has digitized documents and developed a web application. This has met the requirements of users, timely received requests, made the management and search faster, provision of documents through web application was accurate, timely, and is preparing for online provision of documents throughout the sector. It can be said that this was the first breakthrough step for the formation of e-government, contributing practicality to the current and future administrative procedure reform in the province.
Compared with traditional processing to access a demanded document, readers had to spend more time and procedures on cataloging, writing request, submitting, transferring the request to the archive department, receiving and studying the original file, writing a request for copy, submitting the request and waiting for the document. Meanwhile, with the use of software "Digitization of archives", readers are able to completely register and look up, request to exploit accurate documents via website http://stnmt.binhduong.gov.vn:8081/qltailieu and then come to the Center for Information Technology - Archives of Natural Resources and Environment to receive copies of their documents within one day. As a result, the cost and personnel serve this is minimized.
According to director board of the Center for Information Technology - Archives of Natural Resources and Environment, digitized documents are managed through software on the server system with many features, such as management functions, update information, information mining, archiving, statistic - printing... These remarkable features help integrate data into one software, archive fully records, avoid losses, minimize the exploitation on original documents, prolong the life of documents, quickly make reports, evaluate archives, detect timely missing, expired dossiers... to handle timely; look up and provide information quickly and accurately.
There are still many tasks to fulfill
Nevertheless, the number of digitized documents is still small compared to the total number of documents managed by the Center. Therefore, each civil servant of the Center for Information Technology - Archives of Natural Resources and Environment determine to improve their professional skills and knowledge, regularly propagate legal documents and guiding documents on archiving for civil servant to be fully aware of the role and importance of archives, of the implementation in accordance with the laws of the State.
The center will also continue develop their technical infrastructure to ensure the confidentiality of archives, invest in equipment, and apply scientific and technical measures for preservation of document and extending the life of archives; Simultaneously digitize documents integrated into the software to serve the information supply via the Internet quickly, accurately and promptly, turn towards the information provision of level-4 public service.
Reported by Van Hien – Translated by Ngoc Huynh