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More opportunities for vocational training in association with labor demand

Update: 24-02-2014 | 00:00:00

On the development momentum, province-based enterprises have expanded their production and business scale, creating a lot of social products…Hence, vocational training in association with labor demand has also got more opportunities for development. 

Giving mechanical training to rural laborers at Di An Vocational Junior College

Remaining limited

Under the Project on “Ensuring a highly skilled workforce in the province between 2011 and 2015”, the whole province has so far reached 64% of laborers trained, 44% of whom have been given vocational training…

Possibly speaking, vocational training has greatly contributed to the province’s workforce development, serving province-based enterprises’ labor demand. Workmanship of laborers trained in the province is still very limited.

The province is now home to 55 vocational training facilities, but they have not yet met enterprises’ labor demand. Province-based universities, colleges and junior colleges have not yet reached training in accordance with enterprises’ labor demand.

Supply and demand in the province’s vocational training have not yet matched each other. The province’s vocational training and demand for skilled workforce in province-based enterprises have still faced many shortcomings for change.

Such these apart, there have still been shortcomings on vocational consultancy and training fields at province-based universities, colleges and junior colleges.

Acting as a bridge between employers and employees

The diversification of vocational training in association with enterprises’ labor demand is seen as an important task to satisfy the development process of the province. Hence, the province has made efforts to foster a lot of vital channels, creating a bridge between laborers and enterprises.

The job transaction floor co-held by provincial Job Placement Center, enterprises, universities, colleges and vocational training facilities across the province made great successes, absorbing numerous enterprises and laborers over the past time. The latest job transaction session lured hundreds of enterprises and thousands of laborers. Hundreds of laborers got direct interviews from recruiters while over 8,500 others visited the job transaction session via internet. The job transaction session focused on industries such as transportation, mechanism, furniture, construction, insurance, footwear, garment, electronics, food processing, real estate trading, education…

In addition, provincial Job Placement Center gave vocational training for 1,143 learners, 382 of whom attended classes on cooking, computer repairing, mushroom growing, motorbike repairing, make-up...while introducing jobs to 23,11 laborers in and out of the province. Province-based vocational training facilities also took learners to enterprises for probation and improved laborers’ workmanship in accordance with enterprises’ requirements.

It is known that Binh Duong will strive to have 70% of laborers trained by 2015. One of important measures for this target is to make policies to absorb learners at vocational training schools, vocational teachers who are artisans and highly skilled laborers at enterprises…More importantly, the province will speed up propaganda on the Party and State’s policies pertaining to vocational training, improvement of the quality of vocational training.

With the above efforts, it is sure that Binh Duong will reach its target of vocational training. At that time, vocational training will be associated with enterprises’ labor demand.

Reported by Ngoc Thao-Translated by K.T

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