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Social, medical, and unemployment insurance participants increase in quantity in Binh Duong

Update: 09-03-2018 | 20:35:15

Early March 8, Nguyen Huu Tu, Deputy Secretary of Provincial Party Committee received and worked with working delegation of central government’s economic board led by Ngo Dong Hai, the preserved member of Central Committee of CPV and Head of central government’s economic board on their survey to capture the situation of 5-year outcome of Resolution No. 21-NQ/TW dated November 22, 2012 of Politburo regarding the enhance of leadership of the Party regarding social and medical insurance in 2012-2020 in Binh Duong Province. Accordingly, the dissemination and education of Resolution No. 21 NQ/TW of Politburo has been well established among people’s strata, improving their awareness and increasing participants in insurance policies. Specifically, by December 31, 69.14% of social insurance participants have been recorded with 68.3% of unemployment insurance. The coverage of medical insurance on the population is about 85.48%, exceeding the assignment of the government by 3.68%.

Regarding the safe use and balance assurance for medical insurance funding, Provincial Social Assurance signed healthcare contracts with 63 medical units in the province. Besides, the insurance authority has also inspected operations of its department. At the working session, the surveying team highly appreciated the outcome of coordinated dissemination of Resolution No. 21 NQ/TW of Politburo in Binh Duong Province while calling for the locality, departments and agencies to promote dissemination to gain the targets of the Resolution No. 21 NQ/TW to continually increase participants into social, medical and unemployment insurance in accordance with socio-economic status of the province.

Reported by Thien Ly – Translated by Vi Bao

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