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All Youth Union branches of Di An town get involved in voluntary activities for the sake of the community

Update: 10-04-2014 | 00:00:00

During the Youth Month 2014, Di An town’s Youth Union upheld the effectiveness of self-managing teams on traffic safety at school and models on traffic safety.

All Youth Union branches of the town held 137 programs on the “Saturday” and “Green Sunday” campaigns with many significant activities such as tidying up spontaneous rubbish dumps; mobilizing people not to encroach pavements; cleaning up model roads; removing illegal advertising boards…with the participation of more than 2,800 Youth Union members.

The town’s Youth Union also replicated the model of “One golden hour for power saving in according to Uncle Ho’s teachings” among its branches; organized festive days for youth with many meaningful activities.

In addition, the town’s Youth Union organized trips to the models of cooperative economy for more than 220 Youth Union members; held a contest “Di An town’s young civil servants with the Constitution of Socialist Republic of Vietnam, a festive day named “We are Youth Union members”, a contest on “the Beauty of my quarter’s Youth Union branch”; kicked off a training course on life skills for pupils…

Reported by K.Tuyen-Translated by K.T

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