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Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and Binh Duong

Update: 26-07-2024 | 13:06:31

Eleven years ago, on April 13, 2013, Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong visited and worked in Binh Duong, checking on the implementation of the Resolution of the 11th national Party Congress and the Resolution of the 9th provincial Party Congress regarding socio-economic development, national defense, security and Party building. At that time, the Party General Secretary assessed that Bình Dương had very good prospects and the potential to achieve the basic goal of becoming a modern-oriented industrial province.

"Binh Duong has very good prospects..."

After surveying the actual situation at several economic, cultural, and social establishments in the area, on the afternoon of April 13, 2013, Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong worked with the province’s key officials. Applauding outstanding achievements done by the province in economic, cultural, and social development as well as in Party building over the past period, the Party General Secretary pointed out: "Binh Duong has undergone a rapid process of development, industrialization and urbanization compared to the national average and other provinces in the region. From an agricultural province with poor infrastructure facilities and a low starting point, by upholding its potential, geographical advantages, land resources, especially human factors..., only 15 years after embarking on the process of construction and development, Binh Duong has made a remarkable progress towards industrialization and urbanization. Binh Duong has very good prospects with the potential of achieving a basic goal of becoming a modern-oriented industrial province by 2015...".

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong working with the province’s key officials on April 13, 2013

The Party General Secretary was very pleased to realize that since the 11th nationalParty Congress and the 9th provincial Party Congress, despite facing general difficulties, Binh Duong has still developed relatively well. The province has established many industrial parks (Ips) and new urban areas...Binh Duong's creative approach is to develop IPs in conjunction with urban areas, starting in remote regions first, implementing on-site resettlement, considering regional linkages and taking care of people's lives.

The Party General Secretary applauded Binh Duong for its consistent policy in addressing social issues, particularly focusing on building social housing units for low-income individuals and workers. The province has paid attention to approving plans and implementing new-style rural construction in 30 out of 60 communes, applying central criteria to local conditions

Regarding Party and political system building, the Party General Secretary noted that Binh Duong made significant efforts, focusing on implementing the resolution of the 4th  session of the 11th Party Central Committee on Party building, starting with a serious and sincere review and self-criticism, initially achieving clear results and creating profound changes in awareness, promptly rectifying some shortcomings…

"Rapid development without falling into overheating development”

In order to continue effectively implementing the resolutions of the Party Central Committee and provincial Party Committee, the Party General Secretary emphasized: "The important and crucial point is to develop rapidly without falling into 'overheating' development. Rapid development must go hand in hand with sustainable and solid growth, with attention to effectively addressing social issues, protecting the environment, making planning management associated with new-style rural construction, maintaining political security and social order in the area…".

In the face of the significant pressure from mechanical population growth, the province needed to thoroughly address issues arising during the process of development, industrialization and urbanization. Additionally, the province must focus on developing infrastructure facilities and training a workforce that meets requirements on industrialization. It was crucial to pay attention to regional linkage, positioning itself within the overall region to leverage its advantages  while upholding favorable conditions, due to its location in the southern key economic region as well as seeking support from central ministries and departments…

The Party General Secretary reminded that Binh Duong must continue paying attention to Party building, not only at provincial level, but also at grassroots level, including enterprises and economic units. Under the resolution of the 4th  session of the 11th Party Central Committee on Party building was only one step, one task. It did not get involved to review, self-criticism and criticism, but encompassed four groups of solutions, with self-criticism and criticism only being the starting point, serving as a warning, deterrent and prevention. Therefore, all-level Party committees must not relax; there was still much work to be done, further inspecting and urging implementation, especially at the grassroots level while focusing on correcting shortcomings identified after the review. The resolution of the 4th  session of the 11th Party Central Committee on Party building must be implemented comprehensively, persistently, continuously and regularly in combination with collecting confidence votes, voting on confidence, planning personnel; studying and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and lifestyle; setting up mechanisms and policies…

Under the directives and wishes of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, Binh Duong, with creative thinking in leadership and timely, effective policies, has accelerated its development to become a modern ‘industrial capital’ of the country. Specifically, over more than 25 years of construction and development, the province has established 30 Ips with a total area of over 12,000 hectares. The province’s economic scale has so far reached over VND 400 trillion, more than 100 times higher than that of 1997, with agriculture increasing by more than 14 times, services by over 112 times, and particularly industry by over 140 times. Binh Duong also ranks among the country’s top localities in terms of per capita average income, foreign investment attraction, total domestic revenue and the proportion of contributions to the central State budget… The province’s urban image has developed towards intelligence, civilization and modernity, with five cities under its administration. Along with economic development, social welfare work has always been ensured to match the local development process, making Binh Duong become the country’s first locality without poor households under central standards. The fields of education and training, healthcare and others have seen very positive development steps. The achievements over the past 25 years will be the foundation for Binh Duong to continue being a model in the effort to overcome the middle-income trap and achieve sustainable development towards becoming a smart, civilized and modern city; striving to become a modern industrial center by 2030, and by 2045, a smart city of the region and the country; along with the entire nation, realizing the vision and goal of making our country become a developed, high-income nation oriented towards socialism by the middle of the 21st century…

Reported by Dam Thanh-Translated by Kim Tin

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