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Opening of the 16th Session of the 10th provincial People's Council for 2021-2026 tenure: Local economy achieves considerable growth

Update: 23-07-2024 | 12:00:49

Yesterday (July 22), the 10th provincial People's Council for the 2021-2026 tenure commenced its 16th session (the regular mid-year session) to review and evaluate the local socio-economic and defense-security situation for the first six months of 2024.

Economic growth of 6.19%

At the session, Nguyen Loc Ha, Member of provincial Party Standing Committee and Vice Chairman of provincial People's Committee stated that during the implementation of tasks in the first six months of 2024, the province faced numerous difficulties and challenges, due to global instability, which impacted the socio-economic development and the lives, production, and activities of people and businesses nationwide, including Binh Duong. However, under the leadership and direction of provincial Party Committee, Party Standing Committee, the supervision of provincial People's Council, the focused and decisive administration of provincial People's Committee, the involvement of the entire political system, the support of the business community and especially the consensus of people from all strata in the province, the local socio-economic situation in the first six months achieved positive results.

Provincial leaders and delegates at the 16th session of the 10th provincial People's Council

Activities on culture, society, education, health and social welfare were implemented quite comprehensively and achieved many positive results. Specifically, the province continued well performing in social welfare, promptly supporting revolutionary contributors and policy beneficiaries, improving people's living standards, especially during holidays and Tet with a total budget expenditure of VND 276.7 billion (an increase of 8% compared to Tet 2023) and an out-of-budget mobilization resource of over VND 400 billion; building and repairing 26 gratitude houses, “great unity” houses; issuing 18,803 health insurance cards to the poor and near-poor...

The province continued focusing on directing and implementing various solutions to address obstacles for businesses. In the first six months, 3,292 businesses were newly registered, an increase of 15.4% compared to the same period; the number of businesses resuming operations was quite positive, increasing compared to the same period. The production and business situation was relatively stable, with businesses having a high demand for labor recruitment. Over the past six months, 3,210 businesses needed to recruit 40,854 workers...

The quality of training, the level of management staff and teachers at all levels continued being of concern and improvement; the percentage of students completing educational programs and those with good and excellent rankings increased compared to the 2022-2023 school year. Notably, Binh Duong was announced by the Ministry of Education and Training to lead the nation for two consecutive years in the percentage of students admitted to universities and colleges with the rate of 80.61% and was awarded a banner for outstanding achievements in the emulation movement of "Innovation, creativity in management, teaching and learning in the 2022-2023 school year".

The province implemented solutions to improve criteria that reduced points or achieved low scores in the 2023 measurement indicators of administrative management and service capacity, with the 2023 results showing that the province's indicators such as the Satisfaction Index of Public Administration Services (SIPAS) reaching 84.54%, ranking 16th out of 63 provinces and cities; the Public Administrative Reform (PAR) Index reaching 87.64/100 points, ranking 24th out of 63 provinces and cities, an increase of 11 ranks (in 2022, it reached 84.78 points, ranking 35th out of 63 provinces and cities).

Many solutions to implement tasks

However, according to the appraisal report of provincial People's Council at the session, the economic growth rate of the province in the first six months of the year was higher than the same period in previous years, but has not met the set targets yet. The economic growth rate in the first six months of 2024 increased by 6.19% compared to the same period in 2023. Although being higher than the same period in previous years, this growth rate was still lower than the national level and other provinces in the Southeastern region. Therefore, to achieve the highest economic growth target, other goals and tasks under the socio-economic development plan for 2024 approved by provincial People's Council, provincial People's Council stated that in the last six months of 2024, provincial People's Committee must make efforts and have many positive solutions to achieve the economic growth target of 8%-8.5% approved by provincial People's Council.

Mr. Ha said that to successfully achieve goals on socio-economic development, national defense-security in 2024, provincial People's Committee will further implement plans to execute the resolutions of the Government, the directives of the Prime Minister, ministries, central sectors and provincial Party Standing Committee; firmly grasp the situation, analyze, forecast, and build economic growth scenarios for the third quarter and the entire year 2024 to have appropriate solutions to strongly promote economic growth drivers. Provincial People's Committee will organize meetings with each association, business and project to promptly address obstacles; accelerate the expansion of industrial zones and invest in new industrial clusters under the plan; build criteria for developing eco-industrial and high-tech industries; complete policies to relocate businesses from southern localities to industrial zones and clusters in northern localities...

In addition, provincial People's Committee will urgently complete provincial planning for the period of 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050 to submit it into the Prime Minister for approval and organize a conference to announce it; implement tasks under the Decision No. 370/QĐ-TTg dated May 4, 2024, approving the planning of the Southeastern region for the period of 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050; focus on solving problems in public investment disbursement, decisively promote public investment disbursement; accelerate the implementation progress of the project of upgrading and expanding National Highway 13, the backbone road North Tan Uyen - Phu Giao - Bau Bang; complete the compensation and site clearance work for belt road 3, commence construction of belt road 4, Ho Chi Minh City - Chon Thanh expressway; simultaneously complete a project on land exploitation, create revenue from land to serve the local socio-economic development for the period of 2024-2025 and orientations to 2030...

The economic growth rate of the province in the first six months of 2024 increased by 6.19% compared to the same period in 2023. Notably, excluding 36 main targets, the province had most targets achieving over 50% of the plan, with 11 targets meeting and exceeding the annual plan. The domestic investment sector attracted more than VND 29.76 trillion in registered business capital, an increase of 7.5% compared to the same period while the foreign investment sector attracted US$ 825 million, reaching 85% compared to the same period. The implementation progress of the belt road 3, investment procedures for the belt road 4, Ho Chi Minh City - Chon Thanh expressway was urgently carried out. Administrative reform, digital transformation, Project 06 and the smart city were effectively implemented; national defense and security were maintained...

Reported by Do Trong-Minh Tuan-Translated by Kim Tin

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