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Party, State leaders pay visits to police, customs agencies

Update: 31-01-2012 | 00:00:00
President Truong Tan Sang paid a New Year visit to Hanoi Municipal Police on January 30, the first working day of the New Year of the Dragon. Hanoi Police Chief Lieutenant General Nguyen Duc Nhanh briefed the President on the sector’s operations and tasks in 2011.He said Hanoi Police carried out plans to maintain political security and social order, especially at key targets and important political events.During the Tet festival, there were no fires or explosions in the capital city, which helped the Hanoians welcome the New Year festival in a peaceful, happy and healthy atmosphere, he added.President Sang congratulated Hanoi Police on their achievements, and attributed the country’s achievements last year to contributions by the police in general and the municipal police in particular.President Sang and other Party and the State officials visited the Hanoi Police Museum. With about 1,000 documents, exhibits and photos archived, the museum displays the service and achievements of Hanoi Police over the country’s five historic periods.The museum has made contributions to educating tradition, raising ethics and awareness of responsibility for the capital’s officers and soldiers to serve the people. (VNA)**NA Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung visited Vietnam Customs staff on January 30 to wish them good luck for the lunar New Year.At the meeting, Chairman Hung said he was pleased with this year’s safe, happy Lunar New Year (Tet) festival celebrated across the country.Mr Hung acknowledged the custom sector’s efforts in 2011, which contributed to stabilizing the macroeconomy, and maintaining the country’s economic growth.He also said the customs sector has continued to grow and modernize and its specialists have constantly improved their professional skills, helping effectively control the level of the national trade deficit.The top legislator affirmed that the sector’s duties in 2012 will be weighty and he urged further improvements and more efforts towards creating a transparent and up to date customs administration to serve the country’s development and international integration.** The same day, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung attended the inauguration of a memorial complex for late President Ho Chi Minh and Dam Cung Bridge in Ca Mau city.The Ho Chi Minh memorial in Ca Mau is a special cultural work demonstrating local people’s respect and feelings towards the great leader.Dam Cung Bridge is part of the Ho Chi Minh Highway project, which is very significant to Ca Mau province and the whole southwestern region.Once it is fully operational, the VND350 trillion bridge, which is 668m long and 12m wide, will eliminate the need for ferries to cross rivers along the National Highway 1A in this region and facilitate inter-regional trade and traffic.At the launch ceremony, PM Dung told the participants that the Party has introduced a resolution on building a consistent national infrastructure system, with a focus on several regions including the Mekong Delta, to help Vietnam develop into a modern industrialized country by 2020.VOV
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