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Robust forest fire prevention in dry season

Update: 17-03-2014 | 00:00:00
Dau Tieng District Steering Board for Forest Fire Prevention forecasts very high fire risks in protective woodland of Cau Mountain and Kien An Forest in dry season.Staying with the woodsIn those days, all the staffs of Dau Tieng Forest Control Division have been allocated to monitoring shifts to prevent possible forest fires. At the office of Dau Tieng Forest Control Division, only one officer should be on commanding shift and paperwork while others have been allocated to posts. Forest control forces of Dau Tieng District are on 24/7 shifts at outposts on Cau Mountain Mr. Vo Van Loc, Director of Dau Tieng Forest Control Division, informed of the shift regime had been maintained throughout to the peak of forest fire fighting and prevention.Following officers of Dau Tieng Forest Control Division, we reached the sub-sector No. 16 of Cau Mountain. After days of prolong heating days, bushes and weeds would expose as highest threat of fires. According to the division, two sites of easy fire ignition are protective forest areas of Cau Mountain and Kien An historical remains. The two areas have thicker forest cover with greater vegetation with greater risks of fire. Besides, some random tourists to Thai Son Pagoda on Cau Mountain are not of good awareness for forest fire fighting and prevention; thus, risks are high in dry season.Meantime, the forest in Kien An Historical Remains has been in complicated positions for removal of households living around.Along with activities of propaganda and dissemination about forest fire fighting and prevention, the district’s related forces have tightly coordinated with local authority to effectuate fire fighting and prevention measures. On the other hands, Dau Tieng Forest Control Division and Management of Protective Forest on Cau Mountain have intensified their presence at the site to act out as the fires may occur.Tight cooperationSo as to robustly act out forest fire fighting and prevention, from beginning of 2014, the steering board of Dau Tieng District Forest Fire Fighting and Prevention has planned in details for related units, especially the key role of protective forest control forces and families in assignment of forest control.The mentioned forces shall coordinate with people’s committees of communes with forest coverage to stay close to the locality with frequent patrols and check-up to timely prevent breaches of Law on Forest Development and Protection. The steering board of forest fire fighting and prevention has built up 4 monitoring teams to watch out for fires.Mr. Vo Van Loc informed of the plan to coordinate fire fighting and prevention to be in robust and thorough cooperation.As for Dau Tieng Forest Control Division, the teams of forest protection and fire fighting and prevention across the localities have been designated to reach local families to request for commitments to forest protection.In parallel with fire fighting and prevention plans, local forces of Dau Tieng Forest Fire Fighting and Prevention Division have invested into equipment and facilities to service the fire fighting and prevention.Currently, two outpost of fire watching have been established with 15m water towers and 25,000l lakes, 4m3 water trucks, and fire 20 extinguishers.the related sectors have designed blue and white tracks to fence off fires at protective forest on Cau Mountain and Kien An Forest. The district has invested to 6 internal routs to service fire fighting and prevention as well as plant caring and security patrol on Cau Mountain. Besides, Dau Tieng Rubber Corporation and Ben Cat District Fire Fighting Force are also requested to give support in case of emergency.Reported by Tri Dung – Translated by Vi Bao
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