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Binh Duong’s top scorer of national high school exam 2019: Learning is a joy

Update: 06-08-2019 | 11:32:39

At the 2019 national high school exam, Doan Tran Dong Son, a student of Petrus Ky School achieved a total score of 9.1, became a top scorer of this exam. For the university admission group AO1, he earned 25.8 points, gained surely a ticket to mechatronic engineering faculty of Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology.

Son is not really satisfied with the test results, because he could have achieved a higher score in math, and the English test did not achieve the absolute score because of a small negligence. However, when becoming a top scorer of the province, Son was really surprised, because he believed there were many other outstanding students as well.

Becoming a top scorer of the 2019 national high school exam, Son received a scholarship worth 10 million VND from his school.

Talking about his subjects, Son became really excited, he considered learning as an endless joy. Indeed, Son is always interested in his subjects. Math and physics are his passion, English gives him a sense of language discovery. Literature is not his strength, but logical thinking ability helps him to study this subject. Therefore, at this year’s national high school exam, his literature test got 7.25 points. He said, gift in some subjects is an advantage, gift combines with interests to help him develop learning ability.

Son said learning was fun. At breaks, or after school hours, he and his classmates compete with each other in solving exam questions. Then they were all delighted by new good way solution of a friend, or discussed fiercely a difficult math problem. To help each other to advance, Son and his friends shared with each other whenever they found good learning materials or exercises.

According to Son, with two class sessions a day at school, teachers provided students with enough knowledge, regularly trained them with many exercises. Therefore, at home, besides a reasonable time to review knowledge, he spent a lot of time on resting, relaxing, and health training. Son contended that getting enough sleep was very important, so that we would have refreshed and study well. His experience is not to put pressure on ourselves, not to force himself to study all the time.

With the above score of university admissions, Son is definitely admitted to Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology. However, he dreams of flying higher with an intention to study abroad. Son confided, he wanted to step into the world to absorb advanced and modern knowledge, later returned and contribute to building the homeland. We hoped that Son would continue to reap sweet fruits on his way to find and conquer knowledge.

In addition to high results in the last national high school exam, Son also achieved many other academic achievements. In 10th grade, he won third prize of national IOE competitions (solving math in English on the internet), in the 12th grade, he won consolation prize in English of national good students’ exam. He also achieved IELTS 8.5; reached 1,330 SAT (admission point to the US).

Reported by A.Sang – Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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