Outstanding Party, Youth Union members from high schools honored

Cập nhật: 17-06-2024 | 12:14:33

On June 15, Thu Dau Mot city’s Youth Union held a talk show to commend outstanding Party and Youth Union members from high schools in 2024. The event was attended by Nguyen Van Dong, a member of provincial Party Standing Committee and Secretary of Thu Dau Mot city’s Party Committee.

At the talk show themed "Why I join the Communist Party of Vietnam", delegates discussed the role and importance of Party development work among students and explored solutions to enhance this task. During the program, the organizers commended 36 exemplary young Party members and 2 outstanding Youth Union members from high schools in the city. On this occasion, Thu Dau Mot city’s Party Standing Committee rewarded three groups and three individuals for their excellent achievements in Party member development. The city’s Youth Union Standing Committee also honored three groups and five individuals for their outstanding contributions in the same field. Additionally, leaders of the city presented green plants to families of the exemplary Party members.

This program, organized for the first time by the Thu Dau Mot City Youth Union, aimed at recognizing and commending outstanding Party and Youth Union members from high schools in the city for their efforts in studying and following late President Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and lifestyle. It also promoted the pioneering and exemplary role of young Party members in building the Party, the Youth Union and performing political tasks in their localities and units.

Reported by Ngoc Nhu-Translated by Kim Tin

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LƯU Ý: BDO sẽ biên tập ý kiến của bạn đọc trước khi xuất bản. BDO hoan nghênh những ý kiến khách quan, có tính xây dựng và có quyền không sử dụng những ý kiến cực đoan không phù hợp. Vui lòng gõ tiếng việt có dấu, cám ơn sự đóng góp của bạn đọc.

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