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Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh requested that State-owned enterprises (SOEs) play the pioneering role in innovation, application and mastery of science and technology in the Industry 4.0,

Early May 12, Thu Dau Mot (TDM) city organized the 2024 “determined-to-win” emulation movement of armed Forces in the 2019-2024 period

Vietnam wishes to diversify its partners, consolidate a peaceful and stable international environment conducive to its development,

The National Assembly (NA) Standing Committee is scheduled to hold its 33rd session in Hanoi from May 13 to 15

Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son and UK Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs David Cameron expressed their delight

On the afternoon of May 10, the Provincial People's Committee held a conference to summarize the enlistment in the army in 2024.

On the afternoon of May 10, a delegation of the Government, led by Nguyen Thanh Nghi, Minister of Construction,

Developing social practice skills, raising awareness of law observance and career orientation is always necessary to help teenagers

On May 9, Binh Duong provincial National Assembly delegation, including: Colonel Vu Huy Khanh, Standing Member of the National Assembly's National Defense and Security Committee

As part of the experience learning program of the class for provincial Party Committee’s planned cadres for the 2025-2030 tenure

The indomitable spirit of the Vietnamese people in their struggle for national independence inspired peace-loving people around the world, including Indians,

Pham Dang Tung, Deputy Director of the Public Administration Service Center of Thuan An City, said that the center is currently actively warning people to be wary of online fraud

Early May 8, provincial Steering Committee for Prevention and Control of Corruption and Negative Phenomena held a conference on the implementation of the Politburo’s Regulation No. 132-QD/TW,

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