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Provincial Party Committee gives opinions on draft planning for 2021-2030, with vision to 2050

Update: 15-05-2024 | 10:50:44

Yesterday morning (May 14), provincial Party Standing Committee held the 34th open session of the 11th provincial Party Executive Committee to consider and give opinions on provincial planning report during the period of 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050. The report was carefully, elaborately and seriously prepared by relevant sectors before being submitted to provincial Party Committee for opinions.

Completing the final steps of the draft

At the session, Pham Trong Nhan, Director of provincial Department of Planning and Investment, on behalf of the Party Committee of provincial People's Committee, presented a report of the Party Committee of provincial People's Committee asking for opinions of provincial Party Committee on the core content of provincial planning for the period of 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050. Accordingly, under the 2017 Planning Law and the planning tasks of Binh Duong province for the period of 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050 approved by the Prime Minister in the Decision No. 462/QD-TTg dated April 7, 2020, the province has established a strategic orientation framework for provincial planning, approved by provincial Party Standing Committee as a basis for selecting a consulting organization, including the National Institute of Urban and Rural Planning that has coordinated with experts and scientists from Hanoi National University, Germany’s Roland Berger International Consulting Company, experts from strategic institutes of the ministries and central sectors to implement provincial planning. So far, the province has organized 3 workshops, including kick-off workshop, beginning workshop and mid-term planning workshop on provincial planning.

Pham Trong Nhan, Director of provincial Department of Planning and Investment presents a report of the Party Committee of provincial People's Committee asking for opinions of provincial Party Committee on the core content of provincial planning for the period of 2021-2030, with a vision 2050

Based on the instructions and contributions of provincial Planning Steering Committee, departments, sectors, district-level People's Committees as well as critical experts, provincial People's Committee has directed provincial Department of Planning and Investment to coordinate with the consulting unit to complete and develop the mid-term summary report into a final report with specific contents and major orientations in territorial space allocation. In parallel with the process of collecting written opinions and working specifically with departments, sectors and localities, provincial People's Committee has arranged thematic meetings in the fields of economics, society, infrastructure... (under 37 planning tasks and master planning plans for the whole province) with departments, localities and Becamex IDC to review and evaluate specific planning orientations and solutions associated with priority projects, programs in investment as a basis for the implementation of planning in the future.

In the coming time, after getting opinions from the appraisal council and through provincial People's Committee, Party Committee, provincial People's Council, the province will submit the planning to the Prime Minister for approval and announcement. To facilitate the next work, the Party Committee of provincial People's Committee proposed provincial Party Executive Committee to unify the content of receiving, explaining and editing the opinions of the planning appraisal council so that the agency will set up provincial planning and then send it to the appraisal council to review the revised content; unify the content of provincial planning for the period of 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050 to submit it to provincial Party Executive Committee and People's Council under regulations on planning.

Many new approaches

The draft planning for Binh Duong province for the period of 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050 clearly states the development perspective and organization of development space. That is to link development with localities in the Southeastern region, Ho Chi Minh city to become a region with civilized, modern and dynamic development; to be the leading center of the country and Southeast Asia in economics, finance, education, training, science, technology, innovation, and digital transformation in line with development strategies of the country and region. That is to innovate the development ecosystem towards smart development, green development, based on the development of science and technology and high-quality human resources, in association with innovating the regional growth model, fully upholding development resources, with harmonious combination of external and internal forces, taking digital economy, green economy, sharing economy, circular economy, creative culture as the focus of development motivation; prioritizing the development of high-tech industries and high-quality service industries on par with the region and the world, with a solid position in the global value chain; innovating development thinking, forming up driving centers, development space, creating new growth engines while  developing culture and people of Binh Duong as a long-term goal for sustainable development.

Socio-economic development policies must take people as the center, improving people's health, material and spiritual lives; create a good living environment to attract talents, experts, scientists, and high-quality human resources to live and work; further develop a synchronous, modern, smart, green urban, industrial, and service infrastructure system to expand development space and make harmonious development between urban and rural areas; effectively tap overhead space, underground space, ecological space, digital space, cultural space; promote the formation of economic, industrial, urban and service corridors and belts in association with inter-regional traffic corridors; effectively and economically use resources, especially land, water forest resources, protect the ecological environment and adapt to climate change, in association with green development and net zero carbon; solve problems of infrastructure overload, traffic congestion, urban flooding and environmental pollution. Socio-economic development is associated with ensuring national defense and security, maintaining political security, social order and safety, expanding foreign affairs and international cooperation, building up an orderly and disciplined society with security, safety and civilization.

Speaking at the session, Nguyen Hoang Thao, Permanent Vice-Secretary of provincial Party Committee emphasized that provincial planning had many new points, new approaches, new thinking on planning methods and contents of multi-sector integration planning; was an important legal basis to promote distinct potential, outstanding opportunities, competitive advantages and overcome shortcomings of the province over the past time, thereby  forming up a new development space, with development orientation for industries and fields synchronized in the provincial planning map associated with the overall regional planning and national planning.

“This planning is a basic strategic foundation with dynamism and openness. In the process of provincial Party Committee’s leadership and direction it is also necessary to be strategic, avoiding term thinking...", Mr.Thao emphasized.

At the session, Nguyen Hoang Thao, Permanent Vice Secretary of provincial Party Committee requested all-level Party Committees, agencies and units to urgently review goals and tasks, put forward solutions and focus on organizing and fulfilling all tasks in 2024, with focus on reviewing and speeding up the construction progress of key projects and disbursement of public investment plans in 2024, setting a target that by the end of the second quarter of 2024, the disbursement rate must be over 35% to compensate for the first quarter; resolutely cut and reduce projects that are unable to disburse and mobilize maximum capital sources, urgently complete and effectively promote a project on tapping land fund to invest in key infrastructure projects of the province...

Reported by Tri Dung-Translated by Kim Tin

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