Binh Duong power supplying sector to ensure supply and quality assurance

Cập nhật: 15-10-2024 | 14:45:21

Over the years, the Binh Duong power industry has always strived to improve processes, regulations, promote the application of science and technology, upgrade the power system to enhance the ability to serve the people, businesses in the area, and meet the needs of local economic and social development.

110kV Hoa Binh substation ensures electricity supply for production in Vietnam - Singapore Industrial Park 2

Safe and continual supply of electricity

Mr. Le Minh Quoc Viet, Director of Binh Duong Power Company, said that in the first 9 months of 2024, the socio-economic situation in the province has strongly recovered after the Covid-19 pandemic, leading to a high increase in electricity demand (commercial electricity output increased by 14.1% compared to the same period in 2023). In addition, the El Nino phenomenon has caused prolonged heatwaves across a wide area during the dry months, leading to increased demand for electricity for cooling. However, thanks to the deep investment in the power grid in recent years and the application of flexible grid operation methods, the company always ensures safe and continuous electricity supply, making significant contributions to the socio-economic development of the province.

In addition to providing electricity, Binh Duong Power Company also focuses on improving the quality of electricity and service for customers. In recent years, Southern Power Corporation (EVNSPC) has invested a large amount of capital in constructing and repairing power facilities in Binh Duong province. EVNSPC is also investing in 37 110kV grid projects to meet the electricity supply needs of the area, including Binh Duong province. In 2024, EVNSPC assigned Binh Duong Power Company to invest in upgrading 70 power grid projects and repairing 42 projects. In addition, the National Power Transmission Corporation plans to invest in 6 220kV~500kV power grid projects in the province.

Along with that, the diversification of transaction forms has been actively implemented by Binh Duong Power Company, by applying electronic forms in transactions with customers and electricity payment. Up to now, the proportion of electronic transactions, electricity payment through banks and intermediary methods has reached 100%. The application of online forms helps save time, minimize administrative procedures, and ensure transparency and safety in transactions. This form has received positive feedback from customers and contributed to improving the efficiency of Binh Duong Power Company's operations.

Workers of Binh Duong Power Company inspect the management system and electricity supply in the province

To accelerate electricity construction progress

To maintain customer satisfaction, Binh Duong Power Company always promptly resolves customer requests within the specified time. Every month, the company evaluates customer satisfaction through transactions. Through this, it identifies and promptly addresses any issues that arise to continue improving the quality of customer service. The efforts mentioned above not only help maintain stability in electricity supply but also create a good impression of customers towards Binh Duong Power Company in serving the community and businesses in the province through time.

According to Mr. Le Minh Quoc Viet, the forecasted demand for electricity in the remaining months of 2024 and in the coming years will continue to increase. Therefore, Binh Duong Power Company will have to face many challenges in ensuring stable and safe electricity supply in the future. To address these challenges, the company is accelerating the progress of investment in construction and repair of power facilities. The company is also actively preparing procedures for investing in 13 power projects in 2025, specifically such as the 110kV VSIP2MR3 Substation and the 110kV VSIP2MR3 Transmission Line, the 220kV Tan Dinh 2 Substation and the 110kV VSIP II MR 1 - VSIP II MR2 Transmission Line, the 110kV Bau Bang Substation...; along with that, urgently overcoming difficulties, ensuring that key power projects are implemented on schedule, meeting the increasing electricity demand of customers.

The Binh Duong Electricity Company continues to proactively coordinate with localities and relevant units to accelerate the implementation progress of power projects, striving to put 3 110kV substations into operation by the first quarter of 2025, including: Cong Xanh, VSIP II-MR2, Thanh Phuoc. The company continues to improve the process of handling incidents, promote the application of modern technology in operation and management of the power system; ensuring quick and timely response to all customer requests, thereby enhancing customer satisfaction and building trust from customers.

On May 9th, 2024, Binh Duong Power Company has provided electricity to 15,643 customers; 100% of the customers' electricity requests have been processed within the specified time. This demonstrates the company's efforts in improving service quality and quickly meeting customer needs. Up to now, the total number of households with electricity in the province is 576,249 out of 576,256 households, achieving a rate of nearly 100%.

Reported by Minh Duy – Hai Minh – Translated by Vi Bao

Chia sẻ bài viết

LƯU Ý: BDO sẽ biên tập ý kiến của bạn đọc trước khi xuất bản. BDO hoan nghênh những ý kiến khách quan, có tính xây dựng và có quyền không sử dụng những ý kiến cực đoan không phù hợp. Vui lòng gõ tiếng việt có dấu, cám ơn sự đóng góp của bạn đọc.

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