22 excellent works win the second Southeast Journalism Award

Cập nhật: 26-04-2024 | 12:55:19

On the morning of April 25, in Dong Nai province, Steering Committee of the Southeast Journalism Award and the Dong Nai Provincial Journalists Association held the 2nd Southeast Journalism Award Ceremony 2023 and launched the 3rd Journalism Award for the year 2024.

According to the Organizing Committee, there were 300 entries submitted to the competition from press agencies in the Southeast region. After the preliminary round, the Final Council selected outstanding works to honor. Among them, there were 2 first prizes, 4 second prizes, 6 third prizes and 10 consolation prizes in 4 categories of journalism: print, electronic, radio and television. Binh Duong Newspaper has 2 works that won consolation prizes of electronic newspapers. Journalist Do Thi Thu Hang, Chairwoman of the Board of Examiners, said that the final works for this award have good quality, good topics, are meaningful, close to people's lives, and meet the needs of local and the Southeast region’s development. The number of entries of the contest is higher than the first one...

Journalist Tran Trong Dung, Vice President of the Vietnam Journalists Association, Head of the Steering Committee of the Second Southeast Journalism Award, said that the Southeast Journalism Award aims to improve the quality of journalistic works, introduce the potential for economic development, culture, tourism, social security issues... in the Southeast region; At the same time, to recognize, encourage and reward journalists with quality works about the Southeast region.

On this occasion, journalist Tran Trong Dung launched the 3rd Southeast Journalism Award 2024.

Reported by Do Trong - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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