Thailand aims to develop workforce for advanced industries

Cập nhật: 18-06-2024 | 14:29:15

The Thai Government on June 17 said that the country aims to create a workforce of 280,000 in advanced industries over the next five years, along with an ecosystem that supports new investments, to help the Southeast Asian country become a high-tech hub.

Illustrative image (Source: VNA)

It wants to produce a workforce of 80,000 in the semiconductor industry, 150,000 in electric vehicles (EVs) and 50,000 in artificial intelligence (AI), local media quoted a statement of the Thai Government as saying. Innovations used in the past are gradually being replaced by many advanced technologies, including EVs and AI, where Thailand has a solid, the statement said.

Thais eager to learn and develop are invited to join these programmes to enhance their skills, prepare for work in high-tech industries, and help transform the industrial structure together, according to the statement.

Thailand plans to create and develop a workforce across all levels, including in the industrial sector, as well as researchers, and graduates, Supamas Issaraphakdee, Thai Minister of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation, said in the statement.

The Thai Government did not provide any estimates of the costs its plans to transform the workforce, but noted hundreds of high-tech training courses and said it was offering tax deduction incentive for companies that sent employees to attend./.


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