300 workers of Far Eastern Apparel Company take part in voluntary blood donation

Cập nhật: 01-12-2023 | 11:38:18

On November 30, Provincial Red Cross Society in coordination with Cho Ray Hospital Blood Transfusion Center (Ho Chi Minh City) and Far Eastern Apparel Company in VSIP 1 (Thuan An City) organized a voluntary blood donation among the company's staff.

All blood donators did health screening. As a result, there were 300 people eligible to donate blood.

Recently, Far Eastern Apparel Company has been one of the units that has always actively participated in the voluntary blood donation movement of the entire province. Each voluntary blood donation campaign launched received the attention and favorable conditions of the company's Board of Directors and the enthusiastic response of workers.

Reported by Cam Ly - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

Chia sẻ bài viết

LƯU Ý: BDO sẽ biên tập ý kiến của bạn đọc trước khi xuất bản. BDO hoan nghênh những ý kiến khách quan, có tính xây dựng và có quyền không sử dụng những ý kiến cực đoan không phù hợp. Vui lòng gõ tiếng việt có dấu, cám ơn sự đóng góp của bạn đọc.

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