64th session of provincial People's Committee discusses key issues

Cập nhật: 28-06-2024 | 12:14:21

Early June 27, Vo Van Minh, Vice-Secretary of provincial Party Committee and Chairman of provincial People's Committee, chaired the 64th session of provincial People's Committee, in attendance of Mai Hung Dung, Member of provincial Party Standing Committee and Permanent Vice Chairman of provincial People's Committee.

At the session, delegates heard reports, discussed and gave opinions on 22 important issues, including the draft proposal for a resolution on the authority to decide on the implementation of the security and traffic safety camera project funded by the local State budget; the draft proposal and specific resolution on the pre-feasibility study report for the 1,500-bed General Hospital equipment project; the draft project on land fund exploitation and revenue generation from land to serve the local socio-economic development for the 2024-2025 period, with orientations toward 2030.

According to reports, the province plans to organize bidding to select investors for 75 new urban areas and urban development zones with a total area of 21,760 hectares. The time for implement is as follows: In 2024, district-level People's Committees will coordinate with provincial Department of Planning and Investment to complete procedures and organize bidding to select investors for four areas with a total area of 1,764.5 hectares.  In 2025, district-level People's Committees will coordinate with provincial Department of Planning and Investment to complete procedures and organize bidding to select investors for 18 areas with a total area of 2,702.8 hectares. From 2026-2030, district-level People's Committees will coordinate with provincial Department of Planning and Investment to complete procedures and organize bidding to select investors for 53 areas with a total area of 17,292.5 hectares.

Concluding the session, Mr. Minh generally agreed with the contents and draft proposals while  acknowledging contributions made during the meeting. These draft proposals will be further refined, reviewed and voted for approval in the coming time.

Reported by Minh Duy-Translated by Kim Tin

Chia sẻ bài viết
key issues

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