Dau Tieng District awards the Fatherland’s certificate of merit to the family of martyr Nguyen Van Thuong

Cập nhật: 27-07-2024 | 15:18:37

On the morning of July 26, People's Committee of Dau Tieng district held a ceremony to award the Fatherland’s certificate of merit to family of martyr Nguyen Van Thuong at Martyrs' Memorial Stele in Thanh Tuyen commune.

Martyr Nguyen Van Thuong (soldier of Battalion 4, Regiment 2, Division 9, Army Corps 4), his hometown was Thanh Tuyen commune, heroically sacrificed on July 9, 1966 for the fighting against America to save the country. To recognize the merits and heroic sacrifice of martyr Nguyen Van Phuong for the cause of building and protecting the Fatherland, on June 28, 2024, the Prime Minister signed Decision No. 514/QD-TTg on recognizing martyr and granting the Fatherland’s certificate of merit in recognition of martyr Nguyen Van Thuong.

Speaking at the ceremony, Colonel Le Minh Phuong, Deputy Political Commissar of the Provincial Military Command, expressed his deep gratitude to martyr Nguyen Van Phuong and his family; affirmed that the Party, State and people would forever remember the great contributions of revolutionary predecessors, martyrs, war invalids, and people with meritorious service. Colonel Le Minh Phuong also asked agencies, units, organizations and individuals to actively participate in the work of taking care of policy beneficiaries and people with meritorious services to the revolution by specific and practical actions…

Reported by H.Nga, V.Chien - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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LƯU Ý: BDO sẽ biên tập ý kiến của bạn đọc trước khi xuất bản. BDO hoan nghênh những ý kiến khách quan, có tính xây dựng và có quyền không sử dụng những ý kiến cực đoan không phù hợp. Vui lòng gõ tiếng việt có dấu, cám ơn sự đóng góp của bạn đọc.

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