Binh Duong Provincial Police receives delegation from Daejeon City’s Police Department

Cập nhật: 13-06-2024 | 14:11:52

On June 11, Colonel Pham Quoc Dung, Deputy Director of Binh Duong Provincial Police, chaired a meeting to welcome the delegation of Daejeon City Police Department (RoK) working at Binh Duong Provincial Police. Also welcoming the delegation were leaders of police professional departments of Binh Duong province.

At the meeting, Colonel Pham Quoc Dung, Deputy Director of Binh Duong Provincial Police, said that along with the rapid economic and social development, social security and order situation in Binh Duong province is always kept stable. Binh Duong Provincial Police have implemented many solutions to prevent and resolutely fight against crime. Thereby creating a safe, peaceful and happy living environment for people as well as ensuring a healthy and favorable investment environment for foreign businesses, including Korean enterprises and experts coming to Binh Duong to live and do business.

On this occasion, the two units exchanged experience as well as provided a lot of information about the fight against crime, especially in fields of preventing terrorism, crimes using high technology, and crimes of transnational drug trafficking…

Speaking at the meeting, Mr. Yoon Seung Young, Director of Daejeon City Police Department (RoK), thanked the Binh Duong Provincial Police for the kind, thoughtful and respectful welcome; he also asserted that this visit to Binh Duong Provincial Police had important meaning in the traditional friendly relationship between the two countries.

Responding at the meeting, Deputy Director of Binh Duong Provincial Police Department affirmed that the visit and working session of the Daejeon City Police Department delegation will contribute to making an important step in the cooperative relationship between Binh Duong province and Daejeon City; At the same time, hoped that the cooperative relationship between Binh Duong Provincial Police and Daejeon City Police Department would continue to develop stably, with long-term cohesion, contributing to sharing experiences to ensure security and order and develop socio-economic condition of each locality.

Reported by Ngoc Ha - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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