Ensuring targets, political quality of recruits in 2025

Cập nhật: 14-06-2024 | 12:37:57

On the afternoon of June 13, provincial Military Command’s Party Committee held a conference for the first six months of 2024. Comrade Nguyen Van Loi, member of the Central Party Committee, Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Secretary of provincial Military Command’s Party Committee and Head of provincial National Assembly deputy delegation, chaired the conference. The event was also attended by Major General Le Xuan The, member of the Military Zone Party Committee, Deputy Commander of the Military Zone 7.

Over the past six months, provincial Military Command’s Party Committee deeply grasped and strictly implemented the Party's guidelines, the State’s policies, laws, resolutions and directives from the Central Military Commission, Ministry of National Defense, Military Zone, provincial Party Committee, People's Committee. Provincial Military Command’s Party Committee led and directed the comprehensive and synchronous implementation of assigned tasks.

There were some notable results done by the unit. For example,  provincial armed forces conducted 11,560 patrols with the participation of 32,855 officers and soldiers, discovering 839 cases, arresting 553 law violators and recovering assets worth over VND 500 million. Provincial Military Command’s Party Committee advised provincial Party Committee and People's Committee on ensuring State budget for the local military-defense work and basic construction in 2024 with total cost of VND234 billion. The recruitment and enlistment of citizens into military service achieved 100% of targets at all three levels, with the rate of official Party members joining the army reaching 1.87%...

Speaking at the conference, Major General Le Xuan The suggested that in the coming period, provincial Military Command’s Party Committee should actively advise provincial Party Committee, People's Council and People's Committee on leading and directing the implementation of the local military-defense tasks. They should maintain strict combat readiness regimes, coordinate with other forces to firmly grasp the local political security situation, especially religious situations and people's situations. He also proposed that the recruitment of citizens for military service in 2025 must ensure sufficient targets and political quality, organize training for recruits, conduct exercises in districts and cities under the plan, ensuring absolute safety...

Reported by Thu Thao-Translated by Kim Tin

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